Alan Wake 2 – Where to Find the Basement and Toolbox Code

Taken has Saga Anderson very much on her plate. She finally needs a toolbox code to enter the basement after someone turns off the power to the Valhalla Nursing Home in Alan Wake 2. You have to go down the basement of the old building to turn on the electricity after a bothersome Taken steals it. But before you can accomplish that, you need a fuse, which is coded with three digits and secured in a toolbox. This post will describe how to locate the toolbox code and basement in Alan Wake 2:
Read Also: Alan Wake 2 – How to Beat Scratch
Where to Find the Basement and Toolbox Code
However, you must first locate the Valhalla Nursing Home’s basement. Contrary to popular belief, you cannot access it from within the actual house. Rather, glance at the map of the assisted living facility and make a note of the first-floor basement entrance. You may infer that the entry is outside based on how closely it fits between the “Wellness Center” entrance and the “Stage” entrance (with the jukebox):
Proceed out of the stage and navigate your surroundings:
Once inside, you just need to search the area until you locate what you’re looking for. Make your way via the boiler room as you pass through the area. Eventually, you’ll come upon a tiny opening that allows you to duck inside a brick wall:
If you can’t find the entry, check the map:
It takes you to the “Storage Room,” where the toolbox and movie projector are located, as mentioned earlier. Proceed beyond the toolbox and enter the designated “Laundry Room.” Walk around the space until you find a corkboard next to some washing machines on the left. For the code, 2-7-3, read the letter that was posted. All that’s left to do is head back to the toolbox and open it to access the fuse.
What is the padlock code for Alan Wake 2?
To unlock the shotgun padlock, enter code 739. This will grant you the ‘Bring It’ accomplishment in addition to instant access to the shotgun. It’s also the first of Saga’s many available Alan Wake 2 weaponry.
How scary is Alan Wake 2?
Like everyone else said, the majority of the experience is a spooky ambiance and sound design, interspersed with sporadic jump scares. The sound design is really getting to me because I’m playing with a headphone, and it doesn’t help that the game is difficult and adversaries might kill you quickly, making it even more eerie.
Does Alan Wake 2 have Jumpscares?
Nothing can prepare you for the jump scares, which begin almost immediately. The worst part is that they appear out of nowhere. They’re not gradual or “blink and you’ll miss it”; instead, they fill your screen and your ears with an abrupt, deafening shriek.
How do you beat Cynthia in Alan Wake 2?
When Cynthia goes into her frenzy, her health is already low, but if players can’t hit her with the crossbow at this point, they can use the shotgun a couple more times to take her out.
Who is the guy in Alan Wake 2?
The actors portrayed Alan Wake and his alter ego Mr. Scratch, respectively, with emotion and intensity, particularly Ilkka Villi and Matthew Porretta. They gave me the impression that I was more than just a bystander in the drama.