Cyberpunk 2077 – Shoot to Thrill Quest

We think we’ve unearthed the most ridiculous aspect of Cyberpunk 2077’s dystopian world-building story: a shooting competition in the middle of an apartment complex. You must win a shooting event held by Wilson at the 2nd Amendment Gun Shop if you want to accomplish the Shoot to Thrill side job in Cyberpunk 2077. Find out how to complete the cyberpunk 2077 “shoot to thrill” task with the help of this article.
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How to Complete the Shoot to Thrill Side Job
After Act 2, Wilson will ring you up and tell you about the competition he’s throwing to raise money. He will be waiting for you at his store, which is conveniently located close to your home. Do as he says and go talk to him. He’ll fill you in on how the competition is structured. The guidelines are straightforward. If you want to win, you need to get 100 hits in 60 seconds.
In addition, the prize for coming in first place is a weapon. However, only handguns are allowed in the competition. The ideal strategy for success in the competition is to use a pistol with a high rate of fire and a magazine capacity of ten or more bullets. Avoid using a weapon with a low ammunition count and a lengthy reload time, such as a revolver. For this purpose, I suggest Dying Night.
When you’re set up and ready, shoot straight ahead. In a matter of seconds, Wilson will begin counting down, and the objectives will appear on the screen. Shoot as many targets as you can in a short amount of time. As long as you don’t miss your shots before the target disappears, you can aim at anything.
You’ll get first place if you make at least 70 successful shots before the clock runs out. After the timer has expired, you should contact Wilson to collect your reward. If you win the shooting competition, he’ll offer you the M-10AF Lexington Power Pistol as a prize.
Shoot to Thrill job first place Reward.
If you win the Shoot to Thrill competition and have a score of 50 or higher, Wilson will hand out the iconic weapon Lexington X-Mod2 to you as a prize. This firearm has an impressive capacity for additional magazines, and its handling is nearly flawless.
How do you beat Rudy in Cyberpunk 2077?
Once you head over to his shop near your apartment, he’ll be waiting for you. If you strike up a chat with him, you’ll soon find yourself at the gun range. You should check that you have a reliable pistol handy before beginning the job. To complete this objective, you must successfully hit 100 targets in 60 seconds.
Who is the hardest boss in Cyberpunk 2077?
Given that he is the primary antagonist of the tale, the brutal mercenary cyborg Adam Smasher is likely to be one of the most challenging bosses in Cyberpunk 2077. This is appropriate given that he is the main antagonist of the game.
Who is the best Ripperdoc in cp2077?
In Cyberpunk 2077, there is no longer a “best” ripperdoc because all of them in Night City stock the same supplies and V may have his cyberware installed at any of them. Only those with Phantom Liberty installed can access the latest cyberware offered by the Dogtown ripperdocs.
How do you get legendary cyberware?
When looking for the Legendary Cyberware, Night City’s many Ripperdoc clinics are your best chance. There you will find a directory of every Ripperdoc in Cyberpunk 2077, along with the Legendary Cyberware they stock.
Are there legendary gorilla arms?
Even the weakest Gorilla Arms will set you back 20 Street Cred and almost 16,000 eurodollars. They come in three different rarities: blue (rare), purple (epic), and gold (legendary). Even more elusive are the greatest of the lot, the Legendary Gorilla Arms.