Division 2: How to Increase your Skill Power

As more and more players are joining Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 every week, many people find themselves wondering how to increase their skills. Although you need to pay attention to a variety of attributes in Division 2, skill power is important because it determines the type of skill model you can use and equip.
The more Skill Mods and buffs you have, the easier it is for you to complete in-game activities, such as exploring dark zones. To help you get on the right path, we’ve created a quick guide explaining how to boost your skills in Tom Clancy’s The Division 2!
In Tom Clancy’s The Division 2, one important piece of data you need to learn is how to improve is your skill level. As mentioned above, the skill level determines whether you can use and equip Skill Mods. The higher your skill level, the better the skills you can equip. Because Skill Mods can provide useful gain effects, it’s worth raising your skill level to extend the skill patterns you can use.
To see what the current skill is, you need to click on the menu on the Xbox One or the option on the PlayStation 4. From there, select the character option and look at the left part of the screen. Near your armor and health statistics, you will find your skill level. If this number is below 10, we strongly recommend that you set aside time to increase it.
As for how to improve your skills, this number is based on the equipment you are equipped with, and there are many equipment that can improve your overall skill level. When playing The Division 2, be aware of the equipment that provides gain for your skills, because you need to equip at least some equipment that can improve your skills.
Similarly, if your skill level is below 10, we strongly recommend that you replace some gears to improve them. When your skill exceeds 10, you will be able to use the better skill mode option. In addition to being able to naturally acquire equipment that increases your skills, you can also access suppliers and purchase equipment that provides skill enhancements.
While exploring the Division 2, we discovered some equipment in the Dark Zone, which increased our skill level. If you haven’t tried the dark area yet, we’ll have a guide to lead you on how to get into the dark zone worth checking out in Division 2. In general, skill is an important thing to watch when playing the game because it is related to the skill patterns available to you.
The better your skill pattern, the more efficient you are in the battle scene. Therefore, it is worthwhile to catch equipment that can improve your skills, even if it is only a few pieces here and there.