Players will find a variety of resources in Final Fantasy 16 that they can utilize to enhance existing items and craft new weapons. Through the Blacksmith,...
The Bounty Hunter is a playable Hero in Darkest Dungeon 2. Players can unlock the Bounty Hunter at the Altar of Hope and then hire him...
When Wild Hearts first starts, players will be ‘forced’ to use the default weapon, the Karakuri Katana, for a short period until they reach the Tree...
In addition to having aspects of the twin-stick shooter and tower defense genres, Endless Dungeon is a brand-new roguelike with a strong emphasis on cooperative gameplay....
In Fire Emblem Engage, you will discover that obtaining many resources is necessary. These resources might be anything from iron ore to food. Skill Points (SP)...
One of Remnant 2’s strongest bosses, the Red Prince, resides in the Gilded Chambers, a dungeon. There is a riddle involving the area’s fiery braziers that...
Like most monster-hunting games, Wild Hearts demands a lot of grinding. Gamers who want to equip themselves with the best armor and weapons may find themselves...
In Dead Island 2 Haus, a new weapon called the Dead Islands is available. You must have finished The Search for Truth main quest in order...
In addition to taking you on a global voyage, One Piece Odyssey has all the typical JRPG elements you might want. One Piece Odyssey has a...
In Octopath Traveler 2, you can have up to eight characters in your party, but you can only have four at a time—including the party leader....