How to Beat Cliff In Pokemon Go

Players are still being harassed on their travels and at PokeStops by members of Team GO Rocket, who continue to cause trouble in the world of Pokemon GO. The good news is that gamers have the ability to fight back by taking on the Team GO Rocket Leaders, each of whom comes equipped with a different collection of Pokemon. The Pokemon that make up Cliff’s team in Pokemon GO this month are a fascinating assortment that is primarily composed of Electric, Rock, and Ground kinds.
Players who want to take on Cliff from Team GO Rocket during this month’s event in Pokemon GO will need to find a way to counter his roster, which can be challenging given that it is partially randomized. In general, ground, grass, and fighting types are going to be your greatest bets when it comes to taking on Cliff this month.
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Cliff’s Lineup
Cliff’s first Pokemon selection is always going to be a Cubone, but for his second and third picks, he gets to choose from one of these three options:
- Cubone
- Electivire, Luxray, or Omastar
- Swampert, Charizard, or Tyranitar
Cubone Counters
As a Pokemon of the Ground type, Cubone is vulnerable to the effects of moves that rely on Grass, Ice, or Water. It can withstand poison and rock assaults, but it is completely immune to electric ones.
- Zarude – Vine Whip/Power Whip
- Mamoswine – Powder Snow/Avalanche
- Kingler – Bubble/Crabhammer
Electivire Counters
Because it is of the Electric type, Electivire is vulnerable to Ground-type attacks and nothing else. Additionally, it is immune to the damaging effects of Electric, Flying, and Steel strikes.
- Rhyperior – Mud-Slap/Earthquake
- Groudon – Mud Shot/Earthquake
- Garchomp – Mud Shot/Earthquake
- Landorus – Mud Shot/Earth Power
Luxray Counters
Because Luxray is an Electric-type Pokemon, the only type of attack that can successfully harm it is one that originates from the ground. Additionally, it is immune to the damaging effects of Electric, Flying, and Steel strikes.
- Rhyperior – Mud-Slap/Earthquake
- Groudon – Mud Shot/Earthquake
- Garchomp – Mud Shot/Earthquake
- Landorus – Mud Shot/Earth Power
Omastar Counters
Omastar is a Rock/Water-type Pokemon, and hence is weak to Electric, Fighting, Grass, and Ground attacks. It’s resistant to Fire, Flying, Ice, Normal, and Poison attacks.
- Zarude – Vine Whip/Power Whip
- Lucario – Counter/Aura Sphere
- Tangrowth – Vine Whip/Power Whip
- Torterra – Razor Leaf/Frenzy Plant
Swampert Counters
Since Swampert is a Water/Ground kind of Pokemon, it is vulnerable to attacks exclusively from Grass-type Pokémon. It has a high defence against Toxic, Rock, Steel, and Fire attacks, and it is fully immune to Electric ones.
- Zarude – Vine Whip/Power Whip
- Tangrowth – Vine Whip/Power Whip
- Torterra – Razor Leaf/Frenzy Plant
- Leafeon – Razor Leaf/Leaf Blade
Tyranitar Counters
As a Pokemon with the Rock-Dark type, Tyranitar is vulnerable to the effects of attacks involving the Bug, Fairy, Fighting, Grass, Ground, Steel, and Water types. It is totally immune to Psychic while being resistant to Normal, Flying, Poison, Ghost, Fire, and Dark. Additionally, it has Flying and Poison resistance.
- Blaziken – Counter/Focus Blast
- Lucario – Counter/Aura Sphere
- Machamp – Counter/Dynamic Punch
- Conkeldurr – Counter/Dynamic Punch
Charizard Counters
Due to the fact that Charizard is a Fire and Flying type of Pokemon, it is vulnerable to attacks involving Electricity, Rock, and Water. It is immune to the effects of attacks including insects, fairies, fighting, fire, grass, ground, and steel.
- Rampardos – Smack Down/Rock Slide
- Tyranitar – Smack Down/Stone Edge
- Regirock – Rock Throw/Stone Edge
- Rhyperior – Smack Down/Rock Wrecker