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How to Delete a Reddit Account on Android


This post will teach you how to deactivate your Reddit account on Android. It will also provide you with some pointers on what to do if you just want to step away from Reddit for a while.

Read Also: How to Comment on Reddit on Mobile App

How to Delete a Reddit Account on Android

If you prefer to use the app rather than the website, you may also remove your Reddit account directly through the iOS or Android app that is installed on your mobile device (phone or tablet). Because this procedure is both immediate and permanent, you should only delete your Reddit account if you are certain that this is the action that you wish to take.

Following are the steps that need to be taken in order to remove your Reddit account using the Android app:

1. To access your user icon within the Reddit app, tap the icon.

How to Delete a Reddit Account on Android

2. Tap Settings.

How to Delete a Reddit Account on Android

3. Select the Delete account option.

How to Delete a Reddit Account on Android

4. Tap Yes, remove.

How to Delete a Reddit Account on Android


Can you delete your Reddit account Reddit?

At this time, the only way to remove your Reddit account is to access Reddit using the web browser on your personal computer or through the native mobile app for iOS devices. After you delete your account, you won’t be able to reactivate it, your username will no longer be usable, and you won’t have access to your account or any of your previous posts, comments, or other activity on the site.

How long does it take a Reddit account to delete?

Information supplied by Reddit’s many commercial partners

Reddit promises that they will delete all of this information from their servers once every 100 days, with the exception of the IP address that you used when you first registered for a Reddit account. This is the one silver lining to this otherwise cloudy situation.

Does Reddit delete inactive accounts?

They will not deactivate user accounts unless the user has first done so on their own volition in the vast majority of situations. Even though, from a purely linguistic point of view, the accounts are dormant, this is not because of “inactivity” in the traditional sense.

Can Reddit account be deleted?

If you want to remove your Reddit account, navigate to User Settings and scroll all the way down until you reach the bottom of the page. After selecting the Delete Account button, you will be asked to enter your username and password before being able to permanently delete your account. Click the “Delete” button when you are sure that you want to get rid of your account after giving it some thought.

What happens when u Delete your Reddit account?

When your account on Reddit gets removed, a number of different things take place, including the following: Your user profile was removed from the Reddit website after an internal review. This includes disassociating your username from your post history, comment history, karma, cake day, avatar, and any other information related with your profile that you may have placed up.

Is Reddit safe?

Reddit is created for adult users, not minors. Because of the dangers that can be found there, including sexual predators, false information, potentially harmful online challenges, and data leaks, this location is not appropriate for children or younger adolescents.
