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How to Get More Likes on Instagram


Although Instagram is the first social indicator to show the performance of posting, it’s similarity is still the benchmark for many brands. The most important currency on Instagram is likes. For the audience, it is very convenient, just double click it. When you get more likes, your Instagram posts will rank higher in the user’s feed. Since the platform’s algorithm can show users more content than they were previously interested in, getting more likes can also help ensure your future posts get more exposure. 

The “More likes” feature can also provide many other benefits, such as more followers and clicks, because if people like what you share, they will see your entire account. With proper planning and execution, likes can be an important part of the entire Instagram strategy.

Basically, “likes” (and followers) are one of the main reasons why we are so obsessed with Instagram to appreciate our photos and can become famous in the process. But many users find it difficult to get more likes on their posts. 

Also Read: How to Get Organic Instagram Growth

Also you can buy Instagram likes if you are not willing to do labour work for getting more likes, buying likes could be one solution for you.

So how do you make sure that the time and effort you put behind each post gives you the most value? Well, in this article, we have curated the best tips and tricks which will help you to increase likes on your Instagram posts.


  • Focus on the Quality of Post


This is quite obvious, but high-quality content is the most important basis for receiving likes on Instagram. You can tell when a brand or influencer invests time and resources to produce epic content to get more attention on Instagram. There is no concrete answer as to what makes the best content for Instagram, so we have created some guidelines which you can follow. 

  • Have a Consistent Theme
  • Create your Unique Style
  • Use High Quality Camera
  • Create Meaningful Post


  • Use the Right Hashtags


Hashtags can help you attract more target audiences and eventually get more likes on Instagram.

When developing an Instagram marketing strategy, you should spend some time researching hashtags in order to use the best hashtags for likes.

Here are some important tips for finding the correct hashtags:


  • Related tags


Explore suggestions for “related” hashtags on Instagram. For example, if you search for #foodie in the Instagram app, it will show you similar tags based on what other related accounts are using and searching for. This is where the Instagram algorithm comes in handy, it can ensure that you choose the right hashtags to attract viewers and get likes.


  • Audience and competition research


You can also manually search for hashtags used by your target audience. These are the people you want to attract, so you want to use them to increase your likes on Instagram.

Again, pay attention to the hashtags used by competitors, because your audience is the same.


  • Third-party tools


There are specific tools that can help you find new related tags, such as Hashtagify and RiteTag. These tools are great for checking the strength of hashtags and other similar hashtags.


  • Apply Photo Tags


Although, photo tags have a different way to function as compared to hashtags, they also help in increasing the coverage of your posts. This will have a profound impact on how the Instagram algorithm views the relevance of the content. Adding a bookmark to a post will increase the likelihood that the post will appear on the bookmarked account’s followers “explore” page, increasing your overall coverage, impressions, and engagement.


  • Post at the Active time


Due to the development of the Instagram algorithm, one of the most important factors to get more likes is posting at the active hours.

The topic of the best time to post on Instagram is often controversial, and many companies and influencers have announced a certain date and time to achieve the best engagement.


  • Organize a Contest or Giveaway


Hosting a contest or giveaway is a great way to attract participating accounts and ensure you get likes on Instagram.

Contests and giveaways give your followers an incentive to like, comment, and share your content, because the chance of winning the prize is considered a fair exchange of value.

If you plan a contest or giveaway strategically, not only will you get Instagram likes, but you can also encourage your followers to repost your content to spread awareness, which will also increase your influence.

Following a strategy and sticking to it is not very difficult. Try out these above tips to get more active likes on Instagram.

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