How to Get to the Snow Area in Elden Ring

The Elden Ring is FromSoftware’s first attempt at creating an open-world video game, and it includes a large map that conceals a great number of hidden things. Because the map is so large, it is divided into distinct zones, each of which requires a specific level of expertise from you in order to ensure that you do not struggle too much against the numerous foes. The snow area, also known as the Consecrated Snowfield, is one of these zones. Don’t worry about finding out how to travel to the snow area in Elden Ring if that’s anything that’s crossed your mind; we’ve got you covered. Have you been pondering how to navigate your way to Elden Ring’s Snow Area? This is a comprehensive walkthrough of how to reach that location in the game.
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How to Get to the Snow Area in Elden Ring
You will need to beat Morgot in Leyndell, the Royal Capital, and acquire the Rold Medalion before you may travel to the winter region. You can continue your journey in the snow area by using the medallion to ride the Grand Lift of Rold and ascending to that location.
If, on the other hand, you are interested in learning more about the Consecrated Snowfield and the kinds of things you can find there, then you should continue reading. In addition to that, we are going to discuss how simple it will be for you to get there. Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, let’s get down to business and figure out how to go to the snow area in Elden Ring.
Get to the Consecrated Snowfield
With that out of the way, let’s investigate access to the snow region of Elden Ring. You can avoid having to face Malenia and make your way here by obtaining the Rold Medallion and defeating Morgot, The Omen King.
Visit the Site of Grace on the battlefield to relax and confer with Melina, your maiden, in order to acquire the item. Then, you can make your way to the Grand Lift of Rold and ride it up to this level. There is, however, a hidden entrance to this place.
You’ll need the two halves of the Haligtree Secret Medallion to gain access to the hidden region and face off against Malenia. This medallion can be obtained by travelling to the Albinauric Village in the region of Liurnia of the Lakes.
Somewhere around the lake, you’ll find a quaint little town. The Village of the Albinaurics Site of Grace will be the first such location you encounter. To reach a large container, continue straight up the slope to the right from this location. There are a lot of adversaries here, but they shouldn’t be too much of a threat because of the low level of the region.
The big pot is over there (like Alexander). The pot can be destroyed with two hits. There will be a playable nonplayer character (NPC) inside of it. Once you’ve spoken with him, you’ll receive the first half of the medallion. Choose between listening to his narrative or killing him. You can get the other half of the medallion by doing either of these things.
Go to Castle Sol in the Stargazer’s Ruins for the climax. Take the northern bridge from the ruins to the Site of Grace at the Castle Sol Main Gate. You’ll be up against some formidable foes in this area, so arm yourself accordingly.
Once the Site of Grace has been activated, proceed straight until you come to a door. After going through the door, you’ll reach a set of stairs. Ascend the flight of stairs, and you’ll see a structure on your right. Proceed inside and use the elevator to reach the upper floors. When you reach the top, get outside and look beside the stairs for the item. If you manage to get your hands on it, you’ll have the other half of the medallion complete.
The reality, however, is not that straightforward. To obtain this equipment, you must first complete the mission to vanquish Commander Niall. He’s deceptively challenging; you’ll need all your resources to beat him. Now that he’s dead, you can take the medallion.
You can now use the Rold Medallion or the D-pad to select the new “Hoist secret medallion” option when you visit the Grand Lift of Rold. You can trigger a scene in which your character utilises the Haligtree Medallion by pressing this button. The Hidden Path of the Haligtree will become accessible after the cutscene. The area east of Leyndell known as the Forbidden Lands is where you’ll find the lift if you haven’t been there before.
Proceed straight ahead once inside the Hidden Path until you reach a set of stairs on your left. The danger you fight here isn’t going to be obvious, so be wary. It is possible to avoid the confrontation with the enemies in this location by just running by them and heading for the snowy area.
You must continue straight ahead and ascend another set of steps after you have fought (or avoided) the adversary at the stairs. An entrance to the snowy region has recently become visible. The gigantic crabs, though, will swoop down if you come too close. Ahead of time warning of this ambush will allow you to roll out of the way and avoid any direct confrontation.
If you’re feeling brave, however, you can put up a fight. No matter how you feel about it, you should go through the door and up the stairs. You’ll reach the snowy region once you reach the peak, where you’ll find a Site of Grace. Proceed at your own pace through this area, battling the bosses as you go. However, the local foes are formidable, so arm yourself accordingly.