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How to Get Trophies Fast in Brawl Stars – A Complete Guide


Gaining trophies in Brawl Stars can be a bit tricky and difficult sometimes. This guide will teach you how to get trophies fast in Brawl Stars.

Best Game Modes

The best gaming modes which can earn you trophies fast are Bravo and Heist. The reason to recommend these gaming modes are simple. They last shorter than other gaming modes so if you do kill only one enemy within the time then there is a chance that you can earn more trophies within the same time.

The other tip to get fast trophies is to play Knockout because in other modes like 1 v 3 you will end up carrying the weight of the other team members. Unless you are very good at brawl stars, knockout will be the best strategy for you to play.

Playing With Friends

You know there is a saying that a friend will always have your back. The same goes here because playing will a player you can trust will earn you more trophies. The communication and coordination will definitely be more good than if you are playing alongside a random player. You guys will also decide which part to play and have a team attack on the opponent.

Joining a Club or Discord Server

If you are a lonely person and you don’t have any friends so joining a club will be the best option for you. You can ask people or find people according to your liking and make the best possible team who are willing to push trophies with you.

Brawl Selection

Brawl Stars have different maps and each map has different brawls for you to choose from. You always need to be sure which brawler is good on certain maps. If you are unsure about which brawlers to play, head over to brawlify or brawlstats. There is a certain Meta for every game mode. The sites I mentioned above will tell you what is the current meta for every game mode. Choose the brawler who is best for each game mode.

Best Build For the Brawler

In this guide, I will not go into detail about how to get the best build for your brawler but if you choose the best build, it will help you win more dubs and more trophies.

Analyze Map/Brawler

The last step you need to do is to analyze the brawler that you need to play. For example, you need to memorize the health, current attack, gadget damage, and speed of reloading time. Second, you need to do a map analysis which is where you can shoot and you can’t shoot. For example, if you are bell you can shoot in the left channel. You need to know where you are safe on the map.

Hide in the Bush

Yes, you heard it right. The idea as simple as it sounds is just as effective. You just have to hide in a bush and wait for the opponent to show up and kill him. The way you don’t have to wait for every smackdown to finish which could take two to three minutes.

Be Consistent that will help you a lot

The last thing I will tell you to that is to be consistent. If you lose one or two matches, don’t get disheartened. Invest some time in the game.
