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How to Report Someone on Snapchat


The very structure of Snapchat makes it extremely challenging to address inappropriate behaviour. Snaps, in contrast to posts on Facebook or Tweets, are gone in a matter of seconds and are not saved on Snapchat’s servers. If someone posts something to their Story that violates Snapchat’s Terms of Service, it will only be available for viewing for the next 24 hours before being removed permanently. If a Snap has been deleted and it’s your word against someone else’s, the Snapchat review team won’t be able to do anything to help the situation. The steps to report someone on Snapchat are outlined here.

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How to Report Someone on Snapchat

You are unable to actually report posts or users from within the Snapchat app, in contrast to the vast majority of other social networks. You are required to make use of the Support Site instead.

How to Report Someone on Snapchat

Go to the website and navigate to the Policies & Safety section >. Send in a Concern Regarding Safety.

How to Report Someone on Snapchat

Choose to Report a Concern About Safety.

How to Report Someone on Snapchat

Choose the reason that prompted you to make the report…

How to Report Someone on Snapchat

…and give a few more specifics about the matter.

How to Report Someone on Snapchat

When you are finished, Snapchat will suggest that you block the user who caused the problem. This is a helpful idea, but if you want to continue putting out a report, click the Yes button that’s located under the heading Still Need Help?

How to Report Someone on Snapchat

Complete the form with as much specificity as you possibly can. Include your name, contact information, Snapchat username, the Snapchat username of the person you’re reporting, both of your ages, and a description of what’s going on in the conversation. When you are finished, click the Send button.

How to Report Someone on Snapchat

Taking screenshots is the best course of action to take if a particular person is sending you harassing Snaps on a regular basis. In this method, when you fill in your report, you will at least be able to demonstrate that something is occurring.


Are Snapchat reports anonymous?

Every Snapchat report is completely confidential. After all, it is a privacy feature, and Snapchat would never divulge the person’s name to any accounts that are negatively impacted by it. You do not need to worry about anyone reporting any of your social media accounts. In the same vein, if someone complains you on Snapchat, you won’t be able to see who reported you on your own account.

What happens if you report someones Snapchat?

They will look at the snap or account that was reported and assess whether or not the content violates the community guidelines. In the event that it violates these guidelines, the account or snap in question will be removed from the platform. If the content in question is illegal, Snapchat may also alert the appropriate authorities.

How many reports does a Snapchat account need to be deleted?

Therefore, if the infraction is significant enough, all it takes is one report to get a Snapchat account banned permanently. No matter how many times the person is reported, if they haven’t truly broken any of the rules, their account won’t be banned, locked, or suspended no matter how many times it is reported.

Does Snapchat take reports seriously?

The Trust & Safety Team at Snapchat investigates each and every report. If they determine that the content in question violates Snapchat’s Community Guidelines, they have the option of either removing the content in question or suspending the account in question. They will only contact law enforcement if it becomes absolutely necessary to do so.

Will Snapchat delete a reported account?

Snapchat accounts that are reported to the company are either temporarily disabled or permanently deleted, depending on the severity of the violation.
