How to See Your Facebook Blocked List in Your Browser

This article will show you how to access the list of Facebook profiles that you have blocked from appearing in the news feed associated with your account on Facebook. Visit this post if you have previously blocked some people in the past and are interested in learning more about the people who are now on your blacklist. So let’s get started:
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How to See Your Facebook Blocked List in Your Browser
Following this, you will be presented with a series of stages that will guide you through everything in sequential order.
1. Choose Settings & privacy from the drop-down menu that comes after you click on your profile picture, which is located in the upper-right hand corner of the page.
2. Navigate to the section of the menu labelled Settings.
3. When you are on the page that contains the settings, the option to block content may be found in the menu that is located on the left side of the screen.
4. Once you have located the option to block users in the menu, choose it and then select the Edit button.
5. This will bring up a new prompt in which you can select the option that best suits your needs by clicking on it. Take a look at the list of websites that have been removed off the blacklist.
6. You can unblock someone from the list of individuals you have blocked by clicking the Unblock button when you are seeing the list of blocked people. This will remove the person from the list.
Are you still friends with someone you blocked on Facebook?
When you block someone, they will not only be unable to post on your timeline, but they will also be unable to contact you. They won’t be able to view anything you post on your timeline, tag you, invite you, attempt to become your friend, or engage in discussion with you. You will also remove them as a friend if you already have a relationship with them in the past.
Is Blocking someone on Facebook the same as unfriending?
Blocking a person is the best option to take in the event that you do not want them to be able to view your profile, the things that you publish on your timeline, tag you in posts, or send you messages. If you block another user, you will automatically stop being friends with that user.
Why do people block you on Facebook?
If our safety and monitoring systems determine that something you posted or shared on Facebook is malicious or inappropriate, we may prevent other users from engaging in that activity. Your friend request or messages were rejected, and they were categorised as unwanted. You have engaged in behaviour that violates one of our Community Standards. Please correct it.
Can I block someone on Facebook who already has me blocked?
Although it is not possible to block someone who already has you blocked via the ways that are typically available, it is still possible. Because you can’t view the profile of an account that has you blocked, you will have to head to your block list and manually enter the Facebook ID of the person whose account you want to block.