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How to Trade in Pokemon Go


One of the game’s most requested features, the ability to exchange Pokémon with other players, was ultimately implemented two years after the game’s debut. Since the introduction of Red and Blue in 1995, trading has been an integral component of the Pokémon games, but it was absent in Pokémon Go. Let us know if you have any questions about how to trade in this popular mobile game.

The new “Friends” feature in the game now allows you to connect with other players and conduct trades with them. With the addition of trainer bouts, it’s more important than ever to build the strongest possible team.

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How to trade in Pokémon Go

You can’t just go into Pokémon Go and start trading right away, alas. It’s going to take some time and effort from the gamer to get used to it. Here’s what you need to accomplish before you can begin exchanging Pokémon with other players.

How to trade your Pokémon

Any Pokémon Go player may be added to your Friends list, as long as you know their code. In order to trade with your friends, you must be in close proximity to them. This is true whether you’re raiding or fighting a gym together.

Step 1: Open the Friend tab and pick the person you wish to swap with.

Step 2: Await the other person’s connection before moving on to step two, which is to click Trade in the lower right corner.

Step 3: Afterwards, you’ll see how much you’ll be charged if you decide to exchange one of your Pokémon for one of the other ones.

When the transaction is completed, the Pokémon’s CP range will also change. Your trainer level, the level of the person you’re trading with, and your Friendship level with that person all factor into the range. If you’re dealing with someone who is a higher level than you, the CP of their super-strong Pokémon will likely be reduced.

Step 4:Choose a trade in the fourth step.

Step 5: This is the final step in the trading process, and your new Pokémon is given an entirely random CP level from the range.

In addition to a brand-new Pokémon, you’ll earn candy when you trade. The region in which the Pokémon being exchanged were captured has an impact on how many sweets you earn from a transaction. To get extra candy, you must be at least 100 kilometres (62 miles) distant from where the Pokémon was caught.

How to make friends

The first stage to trading in Pokemon Go is to make friends with other players.. Entering a Trainer Code for another player and showing your own is the only way to accomplish this.

Step 1: When you tap on your trainer’s picture in the bottom-left corner of the screen, you’ll see a 12-digit code.

Step 2: Add a friend by tapping the “Add Friend” button in the Friends section.

Step 3: Once you’ve entered your own code, you may either share it with others or use one of their codes. You’ll get a notification when someone adds you to their Friends list.

Step 4: As soon as you’ve accepted the request, you’re done. In the game, you may see what the other trainer is doing now that you are linked to them.



Can you Trade Pokemon go from far away?

The trading distance in Pokemon GO refers to the distance at which you may sell or buy Pokemon from other players. Pokemon cannot be traded outside of this range.

Why can I not Trade in Pokemon go?

Second, and perhaps most importantly, there are two limitations. Any mythological creatures, which only include Mew in the game thus far, cannot be traded; and any Pokémon that you obtained in a transaction cannot be sent away. Whether or not a buddy gives you one of their Pokémon, it becomes yours.
