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Is Generative Artificial Intelligence Capitalized?


Is Generative Artificial Intelligence Capitalized

Understanding the Capitalization of Artificial Intelligence in Writing Styles

When writing about artificial intelligence (AI), particularly generative AI, many writers wonder whether they should capitalize the term. Different writing styles, including AP (Associated Press) and MLA (Modern Language Association), have varying rules regarding capitalization. This article explores whether “artificial intelligence” should be capitalized according to these standards, along with best practices for using AI-related terminology correctly in professional and academic writing.

The AP Style Guide: Is Artificial Intelligence Capitalized?

The AP Stylebook, widely used by journalists and media professionals, follows a specific approach to capitalization. According to AP style, common nouns and general technology terms should be written in lowercase unless they appear at the beginning of a sentence or as part of a proper noun.

In AP style, “artificial intelligence” is considered a general term, meaning it should not be capitalized unless it is part of a formal title or name. For instance:

  • Correct: The advancements in artificial intelligence are shaping the future.
  • Incorrect: The Advancements in Artificial Intelligence are shaping the future.
  • Correct: Google’s Artificial Intelligence division is developing new models.
  • Incorrect: Google’s artificial intelligence division is developing new models.

However, when referring to specific AI models, technologies, or companies, capitalization is necessary. For example:

  • OpenAI’s Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) is a powerful AI model.
  • Google’s Bard AI utilizes deep learning techniques.

Thus, unless “artificial intelligence” is part of a title or brand, it should be written in lowercase in AP style.

MLA Style: Is Artificial Intelligence Capitalized?

The MLA Handbook, which governs academic writing in humanities, follows a similar approach to AP style. MLA guidelines suggest that common nouns should be lowercase unless they are proper nouns. Since “artificial intelligence” is a descriptive term rather than a specific name, it should not be capitalized in MLA format.

For example:

  • According to recent studies, artificial intelligence is transforming various industries.
  • The use of artificial intelligence in literature analysis is growing.

However, if the term is used in a course title, book title, or organization name, it must be capitalized:

  • The course “Introduction to Artificial Intelligence” is offered at many universities.
  • The book The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence explores ethical dilemmas in AI.

Thus, MLA style generally does not capitalize “artificial intelligence” unless it is a proper noun.

When Should Generative Artificial Intelligence Be Capitalized?

Generative artificial intelligence (generative AI) refers to AI models that can generate content, including text, images, and music. The capitalization rules for “generative artificial intelligence” follow the same principles as “artificial intelligence.”

In general:

  • If referring to the concept of generative AI, lowercase is used: “Generative artificial intelligence is advancing rapidly.”
  • If using the term in a title or proper name, capitalize it: “The company launched a new Generative Artificial Intelligence platform.”

Specific generative AI tools, such as GPT-4 or DALL·E, should always be capitalized because they are proper names:

  • OpenAI’s ChatGPT is a leading generative AI model.
  • Midjourney’s Generative AI tool creates stunning visuals.

The Importance of Consistency in Writing

When writing about artificial intelligence, maintaining consistency in capitalization is crucial. Whether you are following AP or MLA style, always apply the rules uniformly throughout your content. Inconsistencies can make writing appear unprofessional and reduce clarity for readers.

For example, if you choose to lowercase “artificial intelligence” in an article, do not randomly capitalize it in later sections unless required by grammar rules. Similarly, ensure that AI model names and specific tools are always capitalized appropriately.

Best Practices for Using AI Terminology in Writing

To ensure clarity and professionalism when writing about AI, follow these best practices:

  • Use lowercase for “artificial intelligence” and “generative artificial intelligence” in general contexts.
  • Capitalize AI models, companies, and branded technologies (e.g., OpenAI, ChatGPT, Google AI).
  • Follow the capitalization rules of the chosen writing style (AP, MLA, Chicago, etc.).
  • Maintain consistency throughout the document to avoid confusion.


In professional and academic writing, “artificial intelligence” and “generative artificial intelligence” should generally be written in lowercase unless they are part of a title or proper noun. AP and MLA styles both support this rule, emphasizing the need for clarity and consistency. By understanding these capitalization guidelines, writers can produce polished and authoritative content that aligns with industry standards.
