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Law Firms in Dubai for Criminal Cases


One of the main issues for a criminal case for the law firms in dubai is the bail procedure. They want their lawyer to get their relatives or friends out on bail as quickly as feasible.

Public Prosecution

In general, the law allows the Public Prosecution to release an accused person on conditional bail for any crime committed or accusation levelled against them unless the expected outcome is a death sentence or life imprisonment.

Release from Public Prosecution

On the basis of a request from the accused or his attorney, such bail judgments could be made. During all stages of the investigation, the Public Prosecution has the authority to make such decisions prior to the case being transferred to court. This is in conformity with UAE Criminal Procedures Article 111.


In most cases, releasing an accused person while a criminal investigation is ongoing necessitates that him or her give proper assurance that he or she will arrive whenever his or her presence is required by the investigation. The accused must ensure that he or she will follow all applicable laws. The conditional bail requirements apply to certain cases. Law firms in Dubai will definitely inform their clients from time to time and before the court hearings.

Other way

The law, on the other hand, did not specify how this promise should be given. Keeping the accused’s passport as a promise that he or she would make a reappearance without fail is a typical practice of guarantee in this country. If the accused’s passport cannot be obtained, the passports of either their family or friends would then be withheld. Holding a fixed deposit with the court cashier can also provide this guarantee. They could also entail obtaining a guarantee from a solvent individual in the form of an undertaking that this sum will be paid if the accused violates the terms of his or her release.

Article 111 UAE Law

According to Article 111 of the same law, if the accused violates his release conditions without a good cause or justification, the financial guarantee will be owned by the government without the necessity for a final verdict. If the case is closed or dropped at any point during the investigation or after it has been transferred to a criminal court, the cash deposited as a financial guarantee will be fully refunded, and the guarantor will be liberated from any obligations he may have signed.

Charged with Criminal Case

When people are charged with a criminal case, such as financial crimes, physical assaults, cybercrimes, and so on, they typically feel aggrieved. Some people believe that if they file a criminal case against the defendant, they would be compensated. That is not the case, however.

Criminal Trials

In criminal trials, if the accused is found guilty, he or she is sentenced to the appropriate punishment. Even if the offender is fined by the criminal court, the fine is paid to the court, not the victim. The victim will have to initiate a separate case in order to seek compensation from the defendant. To get the exact idea about these minute things the law firms in Dubai which are dealing in this type of case will guide you on this matter by giving you every detail.

Nonetheless, it is terrible that people are subjected to criminal charges and trials that may have a negative impact on their financial and personal future. As a result, the UAE Criminal Procedure Law grants all victims of any crime, without exception, the right to seek compensation. Although we recognize that money, in many circumstances, regardless of whether the issue is financial or non-financial, does not always change things, it can help people cope with their tragedies.

Right to Sue for Money

The right to sue for money is given to the victim at the criminal procedural stage and before the First Instance Criminal Court’s verdict, and the law does not set any general limit, maximum or minimum, for such amounts, leaving it to the courts’ discretion. If there was insurance and the crime caused damage, the law enables the insurer or insurance company the power to sue the criminal court for the money at any point throughout the proceedings.

In more than one expected case, the criminal courts have the authority to decide on the civil claim that was raised during the criminal proceeding: To begin with, if the accused is found guilty, the courts will have the authority to give the full amount of compensation or a portion of it.

Article 26, UAE Criminal Procedures

Second, if the individual has been found guilty and the court believes that determining the compensation amount would be difficult or time-consuming due to the need for additional research, the court has the authority to pronounce the accused ‘Guilty’ and determine his penalty. Then, in accordance with Article 26 of UAE Criminal Procedures Law Federal Law No. 35 of 1992, they would refer the civil claim to the Civil Courts.

Third, if the person is declared ‘Not Guilty,’ the Criminal Courts will, in most situations, drop the criminal charges while referring the civil matters to the civil courts. Finally, if the accused has not been proven guilty, the courts are more likely to dismiss the case.

UAE: Best Practice of Law Here

The United Arab Emirates is a collection of laws that control every aspect of inhabitants’ lives in the country, guaranteeing peace and harmony. Due to the numerous rules in place, individuals, particularly foreign nationals, must comply with all of them in order to remain eligible to remain in the country.

Legal Terminology

However, understanding certain legal terminology and their meanings as given out in these statutes may appear difficult. One such term is ‘deportation,’ which has caused a stir among ex-pats. In such cases, if law and order are involved then you can go to the law firms in Dubai to help you with the matter and make you understand the rules and regulations: of law and order in UAE.


  • Deportation is a government-issued authority that allows it to force a foreign national to leave the country immediately. Deportation orders can be issued for a variety of reasons, the most prevalent of which is a lack of legal right to stay in the country and, second, committing a major criminal offence on the territory.
  • The deportation order is mostly taken into account as a form of punishment for those who do not follow the laws of the country in which they reside. Deportation orders can only be issued against foreign expatriates in practically all countries, while local inhabitants are free from such penalties. In order to maintain the UAE’s peaceful and secure status among other countries, the UAE government strives to retain this position by enacting policies that ensure people’s safety and compliance.
  • Any person who tries to threaten the safety and well-being of UAE citizens will be deported. Deportation Categories Legal deportation and administrative deportation are the two types of deportation used in the United Arab Emirates. The former is obtained through a court order, while the latter is obtained from the Federal Identity and Citizenship Authority.
  • Deportation under the law Any deportation order issued by a competent court against a foreign expatriate accused of a crime punishable by imprisonment. The UAE Penal Code is governed by Federal Law Number 3 of 1987, as revised by Federal Law Number 34 of 2005, and further amended by Federal Decree Number 7 of 2016, together referred to as the Penal Code, any relevant court can issue a ruling resulting in a deportation order, according to the law.
