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Lies of P Patch Notes


Are you ready for some exciting news? The highly anticipated Lies of P patch notes for version have finally arrived! Get ready to dive into many changes that will enhance your gameplay experience. This update has everything from boss tweaks and gameplay improvements to quality-of-life changes. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting your adventure, these updates will surely bring relief and excitement to your gaming sessions. So, join us as we explore the latest changes and conquer the challenges that lie ahead in this thrilling world.

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Lies of P Patch Notes

You should check out the Lies of P Patch Notes for all the latest updates and changes to the game. This update brings various gameplay changes, boss tweaks, and quality-of-life improvements. One of the notable changes includes balance adjustments to field monsters, such as decreased HP and increased chances of breaking their stance. The drop rates of certain items have also been adjusted, with increased drop rates for Moonstone-type items and Ergo items.

Boss fights have also been rebalanced, with decreased HP for specific bosses and decreased damage for others. The character progression system has changed too, allowing players to reset their level, P-Organ, and Legion Arms. Additionally, the update introduces support for DUALSHOCK 4 and DualSense controllers on Windows OS devices. Don’t miss out on these exciting updates!

Lies of P balance changes

Explore the Lies of P balance changes and see how they’ve improved the gameplay experience with decreased monster HP and increased chances of breaking their stance. These changes have significantly impacted the field monsters, decreasing their HP. This means that encounters with these monsters will be less grueling and more manageable for players.

Additionally, the chance of breaking the monsters’ stances and staggering them has been increased, allowing players to gain the upper hand in battles. Moreover, the rewards for defeating certain monsters have been adjusted, with an increased drop rate for Moonstone-type and Ergo items.

These balance changes have made the gameplay in Lies of P more enjoyable and rewarding for players, creating a smoother and more satisfying experience overall.

Additional changes to Lies of P

Look at the additional changes to Lies of P, including increased weight capacity, decreased weight of Amulets, improved attack landing with fable arts, and the ability to break a monster’s stance with the ‘Guard Parry’ Fable Art. These changes aim to enhance the gameplay experience and provide players with more strategic options during combat.

With the increased weight capacity, players can carry more items, allowing for better preparation before battles. The decreased weight of Amulets will also alleviate the burden on players, making it easier to equip and utilize these powerful items.

Lies of P Patch Notes

Additionally, the improved attack landing with fable arts will enable players to execute their moves more effectively, increasing their chances of success in combat. Finally, breaking a monster’s stance with the ‘Guard Parry’ Fable Art adds depth to battles, allowing players to disrupt their opponents’ defenses and gain the upper hand. These changes will surely enhance the overall gameplay experience in Lies of P.

Other new features in Lies of P

Discover the numerous exciting new features in Lies of P, including enhanced controller support, increased weight capacity, and the ability to break a monster’s stance with the ‘Guard Parry’ Fable Art. With the latest update, Lies of P offers enhanced controller support for DUALSHOCK 4 and DualSense controllers on Windows OS devices. You can now use the touchpad on these controllers to open the menu, adding convenience to your gameplay experience.

Lies of P Patch Notes

Additionally, players will be pleased to know that they can carry more weight for each point spent on Capacity, allowing for greater flexibility in equipping items. Furthermore, the ‘Guard Parry’ Fable Art has been introduced, enabling players to break a monster’s stance and gain the upper hand in combat. These exciting new features add depth and immersion to the already captivating world of Lies of P.

Lies of P bug fixes

You’ll be pleased that the Lies of P bug fixes address issues with Legion Arms, cutscenes, and even a typo in the end credits. The developers have worked hard to ensure players a smoother and more enjoyable experience. One of the major fixes is for the Legion Arm called ‘Pandemonium II – Acid Charge,’ which was rarely not working properly. The bug where the Legion Arm ‘Pandemonium’ consumed only Legion gauge while using Grindstones has been resolved.

Lies of P Patch Notes

There was also a bug that caused Geppetto’s face to flicker in a cutscene after defeating the ‘Nameless Puppet’ with Graphic Quality Presets set to Low. Lastly, a typo of Carlo Collodi in the End Credits has been corrected. These bug fixes demonstrate the developers’ dedication to providing a polished and immersive gameplay experience in Lies of P.

How effective are the changes in the Lies of P update?

Now that the Lies of P update has been released, you can see how effectively the changes improve the overall gameplay experience. The balance changes to monster encounters and boss fights are particularly noticeable. The nerfs to boss HP and increased chances of breaking stances have made the game more enjoyable and less frustrating for players.

Lies of P Patch Notes

These changes address one of the main issues with the original release, which was the difficulty spikes in boss battles. The bug fixes and controller support for DualShock 4 and DualSense controllers are also welcome additions. Overall, the Lies of P update has made the game more accessible and balanced, providing a better experience for both new and experienced players alike.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do I Change a Weapon Handle and Blade in Lies of P?

To change a weapon handle and blade in Lies of P, you can visit the Blacksmith NPC. Interact with the Blacksmith and select the option to modify your weapon. From there, you can choose a new handle and blade for your weapon.

Can I Pet the Cat in Lies of P?

Yes, you can pet the cat in Lies of P. It’s a small but delightful feature that adds some extra charm to the game. Take a moment to interact with the furry feline friend.

How Do Stats Work in Lies of P and How Can I Respec Them?

To respec your stats in Lies of P, go to the Gold Coin Tree and use the feature to reset your character’s level, P-Organ, and Legion Arms. Characters created after the patch will receive 8 Gold Coin Fruits instead of 5.

Does Lies of P Have a New Game Plus Feature?

Yes, Lies of P does have a New Game Plus feature. It allows you to replay the game with your character’s progress and equipment carried over, providing an added challenge and the opportunity to explore different pathways.

Where Can I Find All the Records in Lies of P?

In Lies of P, you can find all the records by exploring different game areas. They are scattered throughout, so search each location to uncover all of them thoroughly.


In conclusion, the Lies of P patch notes for version bring many exciting changes that will significantly enhance your gameplay experience. This update has something for everyone, from boss tweaks and gameplay improvements to quality-of-life changes. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting your adventure, these updates will bring relief and excitement to your gaming sessions. Get ready to conquer the challenges in this thrilling and immersive world.
