Starfield – Akila City Location

The Freestar Rangers and other side missions can be found in Akila City, the capital of the Freestar Collective. Sam Coe, a crewmate and buddy, also calls it home. Starfield’s Freestar Collective group, the space cowboy rangers of the stars, call Akila City, the western-themed capital of Akila, home. As a place not far from Alpha Centauri, where players start their journey with the cosmic space explorer organization Constellation, getting to Akila City is, fortunately, fairly simple. You will learn more about Akila City’s location in Starfield by reading this article:
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Akila City Key Locations
When players first arrive in Akila City, they run into a bank heist hold-up scenario, in typical cowboy fashion. But there are also plenty of activities in Starfield’s Akila City, such as visiting saloon-style bars and Honest Earl’s Alien Extravaganza, an alien zoo. Not to mention the main attractions and vendors, here are a few other useful things to know about Akila City:
- Inside the Hitching Post Bar is a bounty-removal station. Here, gamers can pay off any bounties placed on their heads using the Self-Service Bounty Removal Kiosk.
- The Hitching Post has Recruitable Companions such as Omari Hassan and Rosie Tannehill.
- Many quest locations and chances, including the side mission The Charity of the Wolf Starfield.
At the kiosks located throughout the city, players can also discover additional specifics regarding Akila City’s vendors and more general information about the city.
How to Get To Akila City
In the ‘The Empty Nest’ mission, players first come to Akila City as part of Starfield’s main story, where they meet and get to know Sam Coe, their Starfield companion. That being said, gamers can explore Akila City in advance once they’ve reached level one.
On the planet Akila, which is situated north of the Olympus System and to the right of Alpha Centauri in the Cheyenne System, players can locate Akila City. Choose the “jump” and “set course” choices to leave Jemison in Alpha Centauri and go quickly to Akila City.
When you get to the planet Akila, choose to land in Akila City and, if you’d like, scan the planet for resource information. Players discover Akila City was established by Soloman Coe in 2167 and walled off to keep away the terrifying Ashta creatures when they first get there with Sam Coe.
How to Get a Home in Akila City
You can purchase one of two residential buildings in Akila City: Core Manor, which is far nicer, or The Stretch Apartment. The same individual, Ngodup Tate, is selling both. Tate can initially be found outside of Core Manor. He will be standing just to your left as you ascend the steps from the Freestar Collective Consulate, which is where you can discover Core Manor. Talk to him.
He will charge you an astounding 78,000 credits for the Core Manor, which is very pricey given that it is empty. Luckily, the Stretch Apartment is being sold by the same man and is somewhat more reasonably priced. Situated above Sinclair’s Books in the Stretch, marked by a large “for sale” sign. Tate is asking 45,000 credits for this flat, which is far more affordable.
What can you do in Akila City?
A local gang will hold the bank when you initially arrive in Akila City. You’ll be able to help the Freestar Rangers end the bank heist in a task dubbed Job Gone Wrong. Completing the primary plot task with Sam Coe is highly recommended since it advances your tale and opens up other activities. To advance this job, Sam will want you to go to the bank in Akila City.
You’re also invited to join the Freestar Rangers after stopping the bank heist. The Freestar Collective’s investigative and protection police force is known as the Freestar Rangers. Upon joining the faction, you will receive many escalating missions exclusive to the Freestar Rangers. You will obtain the Star Eagle Ship and be recognized as a Freestar Ranger once you have finished all of the tasks!
Which system is Akila in Starfield?
Situated on the planet Akila in the Cheyenne system, Akila City serves as the capital of the Freestar Collective.
Are there only 4 cities in Starfield?
All Cities in Starfield Listed. The Key, Akila, Neon, and New Atlantis are the four main cities of Starfield.
Can you build a city in Starfield?
Mueller has spent countless hours creating a city in Starfield that is at least somewhat operational. To be believed, it must be seen. He established his business just outside of Akila, claiming that its footprint is nearly as large as Akila itself.
Why can’t I find Akila City Starfield?
On the planet Akila, which is situated north of the Olympus System and to the right of Alpha Centauri in the Cheyenne System, players can locate Akila City. Choose the “jump” and “set course” choices to leave Jemison in Alpha Centauri and go quickly to Akila City.