The sequel of the 2018 PlayStation 4 God of War will once again be developed by the company’s Santa Monica studio. It will likely continue the...
Amnesia: Rebirth, is a direct sequel to the original Amnesia: The Dark Descent. It will be released on Oct. 20th, 2020, the developer announced on Tuesday....
The next gen has finally arrived! Fans have been eagerly waiting and wondering what the price would be. Well, Sony has just announced the PlayStation 5...
Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 1 + 2 is a skateboarding game created by Vicarious Visions and then published by Activision. It was released on PC, PS4,...
Spelunky 2 is as compelling a game as I’ve played this year. Two minute runs that turn into continuous hours of playing, and that simple...
Microsoft surprisingly announced the Xbox Series S on Monday evening, And according to major UK retailer sony set to ready to open PS5 pre-orders but after...
We all know Google as the search engine, YouTube, Gmail, Maps and of course their tracking our movements and all that jazz but they are bringing...
Since WWE’s WrestleMania 35, “The Boss” Sasha Banks has been fairly non-existent in the ring. There had been gossipy tidbits about a dropping out between the...
It is difficult to accept, however in all respects unobtrusively we are short of what one month out from the midpoint of the 2019 MLB season....
The decay of Apex Legends since its hazardous dispatch has been well-reported; the game rapidly started draining players and Twitch watchers after its first couple of...