The QD-OLED ultrawide panel I’ve been waiting for is being produced by Samsung

There is a new OLED on the way from Samsung that has the potential to sway my decision to purchase a new gaming monitor. It has a 49-inch QD-OLED screen, which results in a 32:9 aspect ratio. Additionally, it has all of the benefits that are typically associated with this type of display technology, such as great contrast and rich colors. It should end up looking like the one in our pick for the best gaming monitor, only considerably wider, which sounds absolutely fantastic. If everything goes according to plan, it should end up looking like the one in our pick for the best gaming display. Having said that, there is a catch. Samsung has not yet disclosed when the product would be made available to the public.
The corporation keeps dropping hints about the forthcoming panel. It will be made available by Samsung as part of the Odyssey OLED G9 G95SC, a monitor that has a response time of 0.1 milliseconds and a refresh rate of 240 hertz (Hz). I am a fan of these mega-wide Samsung screens, and I have used a couple of them in the past, but I have never been more thrilled for any other version than this OLED one.
This is due to the fact that I am completely obsessed with my QD-OLED TV that I keep at home. Everything, from movies to video games, appears to be of the highest quality on it. Even if the user interface (UI) on the TV isn’t my favorite, I’m willing to look beyond it because the huge screen itself is so gorgeous. And the user interface wouldn’t be as much of a problem on a gaming monitor, despite the fact that the OLED G9 has built-in apps, one of which is called GeForce Now.
However, my enthusiasm is dampened somewhat when I consider the possible cost of purchasing this item. OLED gaming displays often have costs that are more than $1,000, and this one is almost certainly going to be priced higher than that by a substantial margin. However, in comparison to some of the miniLED brigade, their prices have not been quite as high. And if you don’t mind the brightness on an OLED panel not being quite a match for what you’re used to, I’d say they’re definitely worth a look as a high-end upgrading option to consider.
We do not yet know the brightness that the 49-inch QD-OLED is capable of mustering, and that will be the main sticking point for determining whether or not it is worthwhile to purchase this item. The picture quality of the smaller QD-OLEDs that we have seen so far has impressed us more than that of some LG-based models, and we have appreciated the picture overall. However, not every OLED will give the same specification.