Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty – How to Change Appearance

Even though you can play Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty from beginning to end using the same build, there are occasions when it’s enjoyable to experiment with different Wizardry Spells, stats, and attributes. You might also want to change your character’s appearance while you’re playing. By reading this article, you will learn how to alter your appearance in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty.
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How to Change Appearance
In Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty, you must advance through the main plot until you finish the “In Search of the Immortal Wizard” mission in Chapter 3 to respec your character or alter their appearance. You will meet and save Zuo Ci, the village elder and resident wizard, in the cutscene that ends this level.
Going forward, you can speak with Zuo Ci in the hub area of Hidden Village to modify your appearance or respec your character. It only takes a few seconds to get to him after going to the location, as he is situated inside the temple behind the Battle Flag checkpoint. These features offer you the same options you had when leveling up or creating your character, and they are both free to use, so there are no limitations or restrictions. You should be able to use them as often as you’d like.
Zuo Ci lets you redo your character, reallocate your attributes, and provide Accolade Reward items that you should gather and use during the game. These are useful consumables that can be redeemed with Accolade currency, which you obtain by defeating Vengeance Targets, which are buffed enemies in your world that have recently killed a player in their world. They frequently offer you significant advantages both in and out of combat.
How to Navigate through the Character Creation Menu
Zuo Ci, the Immortal Wizard, who lives in the Hidden Village on Mount Tianzhushan, must be spoken to in order to access the Character Creation menu in Wo Long. When you locate him inside the cabin in front of the battle flag for the Hidden Village, engage with him by taking these simple actions:
- Engage in conversation with Zuo Ci and choose “Character Creation” from his four menu options.
- The Character Creation menu will appear, which is the same as the one you saw when you first started the game.
- It’s also important to note that Zuo Ci offers two additional options: “Reset Parameters” and “Accolade Reward,” which let you claim rewards for achievements and reset your character’s attributes, respectively. But you have to choose the third option, “Character Creation,” in order to get to the Character Creation menu.
- Use the different options to customize the look of your character. Once you’re happy with the modifications, proceed and save your updated look.
- Go out of the menu and pick up where you left off with your personalized character.
Can you have more than one character in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty?
Indeed. You can select which characters to play when the Load Game appears after creating a new character again.
What is the level cap in Wu Long Fallen Dynasty?
As of right now, players should be aware that 150 levels are sufficient to tackle the late-game content in the game. The final bosses are insurmountable for a player who has farmed up this much Qi, even with a competent build. Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty can be played on the following platforms: PC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X/S.
Who is the best companion in so long fallen dynasty?
Cheng Pu, who was a top pick in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty, is arguably the best companion in the entire game. This entity is a Fire specialist, using a Slashing Spear. His main effect is to remove any debuffs that the user may have when using Fatal Strikes.
What is the best early game weapon in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty?
The White Wooden Cudgel is currently regarded as Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty’s greatest early-game weapon.
Who is the final boss in Wu Long Fallen Dynasty?
The ultimate antagonist of the tale is Yu Ji and the Embodiment of Demonic Qi. Without a doubt, this is one of the most amazing and distinctive boss fights that Team Ninja has ever produced. Embodiment of Demonic Qi and Yu Ji engage in a two-phase boss battle.