Conarium Will Hit PS4 And Xbox One Next Month

The Lovecraftian horror ‘Conarium’ is already available on PC. And now, Iceberg Interactive as the publisher has confirmed that Conarium will hit PS4 and Xbox One next month.
The developer Zoetrope Interactive revealed that it is currently working on to bring the game on consoles in February.
Inspired by H.P. Lovecraft’s At the Mountains of Madness novel, Conarium has earned its fair share of awards. Mostly, fans of the title seem enchanted with its faithfulness to the atmosphere famous in Lovecraftian works.
In Conarium, the player will act as Frank Gilman, a scientist who awakes on the Upuaut research base in Antartica, near the South Pole. In the base deserted, though there were other scientists involved in the expedition, Frank must uncover the events that led to his and the Upuaut’s seeming abandonment.
On PS4 and Xbox One version, the players will able to select from Favour Performance and Favour Resolution to place an emphasis on frame rate and resolution, as said on the game’s official website:
“We can also confirm that Conarium has been enhanced for PlayStation 4 Pro and Xbox One X. On these platforms, you’ll have the option to choose between two modes: ‘Favour performance’ or ‘Favour resolution’. Choosing favour performance will lock the game at a resolution of 1080p, running at 60 frames per second. Choosing favour resolution will boost the resolution on both consoles significantly, and lock the performance at 30 frames per second.”
Interested to try out this game?
Conarium is currently available on PC, and scheduled to launch on February for PS4 and Xbox One. To make you more interested, make sure to check out the latest trailer from the game below: