Dauntless Roadmap Lays Out Future Content Additions

Phoenix Labs’ beast killing MMO title Dauntless has formally entered the wilds of full dispatch on PC and consoles. As slayers new and old get their course, Phoenix Labs is now looking towards what’s to come. A broad (and intuitive) guide subtleties what will come Dauntless in both the close and far future.
Dauntless Interactive Content Roadmap
Up and coming substance guides are a long way from another marvel, however with Dauntless, Phoenix Labs is accomplishing something somewhat unique. The authority Dauntless guide is an intelligent encounter where players can “investigate” the game’s up and coming highlights.
Much like in Dauntless appropriate, the substance guide has clients visiting coasting “islands,” every one of which speaks to an up and coming element. As of this composition, these islands are gathered into five noteworthy classifications, and every class has numerous highlights contained inside. The full guide is very broad, however here are only a portion of the highlights Dauntless players can anticipate:
- Major visual and interactivity revamps for the Shrike and Skraev behemoths. The two behemoths are getting a visual makeover, and the Skraev is having its battle style adjusted.
- A fourth basic aether type called Terra. This new aether will help equalization out the current aethers (Frost, Shock, and Blaze). A few existing behemoths (and their related rigging) will be changed over to Terra when the new aether arrives.
- New interchange weapon specials for all current weapon types. Players will most likely open these new specials to separate their preferred weapons with new uncommon assaults.
- Loadout presets which enable players to spare numerous rigging/cell loadouts. This will make chasing explicit behemoths a considerably more streamlined procedure.
- A redid Mastery framework which gives players a reliable track of difficulties to finish and reward to open.
Portable And Switch Versions
Notwithstanding the majority of the abovementioned, versatile and Nintendo Switch forms of Dauntless are still in transit. In any case, Phoenix Labs explained through the guide that neither one of the versions is in effect effectively taken a shot at for now. The guide additionally says that the two renditions of “defenseless to change later on.” We interpret that as meaning that Phoenix claims all authority to drop plans for either form if vital.
Update: Some of the above highlights are in reality live as of this composition. Every single Dauntless player can get to the patched up Mastery framework, Terra component, and the sky is the limit from there.