Devil May Cry 5 New Video Shows In-Depth Explanation Of V’s Fighting Style

A new video recently has posted by YellowMotion on YouTube which shows the in-depth explanation of the new character V’s fighting style.
The anticipated game Devil May Cry 5 is going to introduce the brand new character called V, along with his unique and different fighting style from the older heroes Dante and Nero. Capcom as the developer has shared some trailers for Devil May Cry 5, but however, not very much details have been revealed.
In the video with duration of fewer than 14 minutes, we will able to see a lot from V. Starts on how he uses his demons’ power, his weapons, until the meaning of V’s tattoos, his special book, and also his Devil Trigger.
For Xbox One users, now already can experience a bit of gameplay from Devil May Cry 5 with the playable demo which available exclusively on the Microsoft’s console. The demo allows players to play through a mission with the character Nero and check out how the character differs from his Devil May Cry 4 emphasis.
Well, this new video definitely will make you more curious and can’t wait to play this game. However, we all still have to wait, as Devil May Cry 5 is scheduled to be launched on March 8th, 2019 for PC, PS4 and Xbox One.