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How To Delete A YouTube Video


It’s a great way to connect with millions of people across the world by uploading videos to YouTube. Mistakes happen, and you may detect an editing error or decide to eliminate a portion of the movie when you watch it again.

It’s never been easier to remove a YouTube video than it is right now. Additionally, you have the option to do it from a smartphone or a computer. You may learn more about deleting a YouTube video by reading this tutorial.

Read Also: How To Edit A Video On YouTube

How to Delete a YouTube video on a Computer

1. If you haven’t already, log in to your YouTube account and then click your profile image in the top-right corner of the page to access your channel.

2. To begin, click on the YouTube Studio option.

3. When you’re on the left sidebar, click the Content button, which looks like a square with a play button in the centre.

4. Click the three dots that show when you hover your mouse pointer over the video you wish to remove.

5. Once you’ve selected Delete Forever, click the Confirm button.

How to Delete a YouTube video on your Phone

It is possible to erase YouTube videos from your smartphone in two ways: either by using the official YouTube app or by utilizing the YouTube Studio application.

Using the official YouTube app

1. Begin by opening the YouTube app on your iPhone or Android device and then tapping your profile image in the top-right corner.

2. Go to the top of the screen and select Your channel, followed by Videos.

3. Select Manage Videos from the drop-down menu in the top-right corner to get a list of all of your videos. Locate the item you wish to remove and click on the three dots to the right of it.

4. Press the Delete key.

Using the YouTube Studio app

1. Open YouTube Studio and choose the stacked three lines in the top-left corner of the interface.

2. Select Videos from the drop-down menu.

3. Select the video you wish to remove and then tap on the pencil symbol at the top of the screen to confirm your decision.

4. The video editing screen will be displayed when you click on this. Tap the gear icon at the top of the page, and then select Delete From YouTube at the bottom.



Where do YouTube downloads go on android?

The Downloads page contains a list of all of your downloaded files. You must be logged into YouTube in order to see the videos you have downloaded. Ensure that you use the same Google Account that you used to download them in the first place. Downloaded videos can also be viewed in the device gallery or file manager if you have one.

Where is the download folder on Android?

You can go to the Downloads folder with the help of a third-party file manager, but each Android phone also comes with a built-in file manager that you can use just as well. On standard Android, this application is simply referred to as “Files.” To access the Downloads folder, simply open the app and hit “Downloads” on the menu bar.

Where are YouTube videos stored?

The films are kept on hard discs in Google datacenters that are the size of warehouses. The Google File System and Big Table are in charge of keeping track of the data. GFS Google File System is a distributed file system designed by Google for the purpose of managing enormous amounts of data in a distributed setting.

