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How to Find Your Drafts in the Facebook App on Android


If you have a Facebook page, you can use the publishing tools menu on the desktop version of the site to produce draughts of posts, save them, and edit them. This functionality is only available to users who have a page. This is, of course, predicated on the fact that you are either the page’s administrator or an editor with the appropriate permissions for the page. The following is a step-by-step guide that will show you where to find your draughts within the Facebook app for Android:

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How to Find Your Drafts in the Facebook App on Android

If you have a draught, or multiple draughts, saved to the publishing tools for your page on the desktop version of Facebook, here is how to access it in the app so that you may either delete it or post it:

1. Launch the Facebook app on your mobile device and sign in to your account, if prompted.

2. Tap the icon that looks like three horizontal lines stacked together in the upper-right corner, and then tap “Pages.”

How to Find Your Drafts in the Facebook App on Android

3. Navigate to the page you want to view.

How to Find Your Drafts in the Facebook App on Android

4. Navigate to the three vertical lines that are stacked on the right side of the screen, and then click the option that says “Drafts.”

How to Find Your Drafts in the Facebook App on Android

5. Tap the button that looks like an arrow pointing down next to the draught you want, and then choose either “Post Now” or “Delete.”

How to Find Your Drafts in the Facebook App on Android

6. If you choose “Delete,” you will need to double-check your selection by choosing “Delete” once more before completing your action.

How to Find Your Drafts in the Facebook App on Android


How do I find my draft folder?

Locate a folder in Mailbox called Drafts, and then double-click the message that was saved in that folder. You can find the Drafts folder inside of Mailbox. Microsoft Outlook will save any messages you start but don’t finish for you automatically. Unfinished messages are automatically saved in your Drafts folder every three minutes when the default setting is used. You do have the ability to choose a different choice this time.

Why can’t I open my draft reel?

First, try updating the app and then clearing the cache for the app (go to Settings, then Apps, then Instagram, then Storage, and then tap “Clear cache”). After you have completed those steps, you will need to reload Instagram, navigate to your account, hit the + icon located at the top of the page, and then check to see if the Reels feature has been added.

Do you lose TikTok drafts when you get a new phone?

Because of this, if you do not save your TikTok draughts before upgrading your phone, they will not be automatically transferred to your new phone when you get it. It will be much easier for you to make the switch to your new smartphone if you first save your draughts on your old device and then move them over to the new device.

How do I recover a deleted reel on Facebook?

Because of this, in contrast to Instagram, if you delete a reel from Facebook, you will not be able to retrieve it. In addition, Facebook does not provide the opportunity to delete numerous reels at the same time.
