How to Get Iron Whetblade in Elden Ring

When it comes to putting up a character, players have a great deal of leeway thanks to Elden Ring. When players acquire new weapons, spells, and other equipment that alter the priority of stats when levelling up, they frequently find that their build undergoes a significant transformation as a result. In Elden Ring, statistics are connected to every aspect of the game, but it can be difficult to locate an Ash of War with the scale you require.
The standard Whetstone Knife can be upgraded to the Iron Whetblade in order to receive three additional customization options for the Ash of War that is applied to the player’s weapons. There are other new tools of a similar nature included in Elden Ring, but this particular one is helpful early on in the game and can be obtained rather fast in the legacy dungeon of Stormveil Castle. Here’s how to gain Iron Whetblade.
Read Also: How to Drop Weapons and Items for Other Players in Elden Ring
How to Get Iron Whetblade in Elden Ring
After about five hours have passed from the beginning of your journey to the Elden Ring, you will be able to approach Stormveil Castle in Limgrave. It is possible that the Iron Whetblade can be found in this location. To find it, please continue in the following manner:
1. From this Site of Grace in the rampart tower of Stormveil Castle, proceed through the door to the southeast and continue going until you reach a doorway to the left that holds an elevator. This elevator will take you down to the ground floor. You might have to pull the lever that is located nearby the elevator if it is not functioning properly.
2. After bringing yourself down to the lower level and passing through the archway so that you are now facing the image that is positioned above, make your way to the door that is situated in the upper left hand corner of the room.
3. You will need to use a Stonesword Key on the miniature statue that is located in this place so that you can clear away the haze that is normally present in this entranceway. The statue can be found here.
4. The next chamber features two adversaries that need to be defeated before you can get the item from the dead body that is sat at the anvil in front of the fireplace. The body is located in the room with the fireplace.
You should now have all of the information you require to successfully purchase an Iron Whetblade in Elden Ring.
Where To Find The Iron Whetblade In Elden Ring
The location of the Iron Whetblade is in Stormveil Castle, close to where the Rampart Tower Site of Lost Grace is. In close proximity to this Grace, there should be a room that is locked off by an Imp Statue and can only be unlocked using a Stonesword Key. Return with one of these to unlock the fog gate. On the other side of the gate, an adversary is waiting to attack.
After you have vanquished them, look around for items that can be looted that are lying around on the ground. It is likely that the Iron Whetblade is resting upon one of the deceased individuals in the room. You can reach this room from the beginning of Stormveil Castle by taking the shortcut that the gatekeeper explains to you and travelling through the interior of the castle until you reach a tall building with spiral staircases. A large number of guards and bomb throwers stand in your path as you make your way to the upper levels, where you will find the Imp Statue as well as the Site of Lost Grace in Rampart Tower.