How to Get Rust on Twitch Drops

It is possible, at the very least in part, that the recent success that RUST has been having on Twitch can be attributed to the recent introduction of new Twitch Drops that are made available to stream spectators. Your account will be credited with in-game rewards known as drops after a predetermined length of time has elapsed during which you viewed broadcasts from players who have the option to receive drops enabled. You can make advantage of these drops to advance further in the game. This guide will walk you through the process of obtaining rust on twitch drops in a methodical manner and give you with step-by-step instructions. So let’s get started:
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How to Get Rust on Twitch Drops
The procedure is the same even if there are multiple chances for players to earn rewards through Twitch Drops in Rust. Proceed in the manner outlined in the following steps:
1. If you haven’t previously done so, link your Twitch and Steam accounts so that you can start earning Twitch Drops. Keep in mind that if one of your accounts is linked to another account, you will first need to disconnect the linked account before moving on to the next step in the process.
2. Therefore, the first step is to join in with Steam or Twitch. Ensure that Rust is present in your library on Steam.
3. After that, sign in using the other account you have.
4. After you have successfully connected your accounts, load the stream, and then navigate to the Chat section.
5. You should see a notice pop up on your screen from Twitch Drops that reads, “Get in-game stuff by watching the stream.”
6. When it is time, a button labelled “Claim” will appear on the screen, and you will need to click on it.
7. You can only get rewards for watching Rust streams that have the Drops Enabled tag attached to them. You must watch these streams.
8. You may monitor your progress on the page dedicated to your Twitch drops inventory.
9. It is important to keep in mind that after clicking the Claim button on Steam, it may take up to ten minutes for the items to become visible in your inventory.
Do unclaimed Twitch drops expire?
If a account has not been linked, any earned benefits through Twitch Drop will become invalid seven days after they have been claimed for them.
Do you get a free Rust skin every 100 hours?
The amount of time spent actively playing the game influences the random drops. It is not possible to sign onto a server and then instantly disconnect from it. Once every one hundred hours spent playing the game, you should be eligible to get a fully random cosmetic item.
How do you get Twitch drops without watching?
Launch Chrome and navigate to a stream that features the drops you wish to enable. Adjust the resolution down to its minimum setting if at all possible. You should not mute the stream itself; rather, right-click the tab at the top of the page and select “Mute Site.”
Can Twitch donations be refunded?
Gift subscriptions are not eligible for a refund unless the original purchaser experienced a technical problem with the purchase, the original purchase was made using false information, or in other circumstances where a return is required by law.
How many Twitch drops can you get per day?
You are allowed to include a maximum of seven Drops, each of which may be dispersed across the campaign in either continuous or concurrent time frames. There is only one kind of drop, and that is: Time-Dependent Discounts: If viewers watch streams with Drops enabled while the Drop is active, they will be eligible to earn the goodies that are contained within the Drop.
Do Twitch drops work if muted?
If you want your progression to count toward the Twitch Drop, you have to make sure that the audio of the stream is set to minimum or higher. In the event that you have the broadcast muted, any progression made toward the Drop will NOT be recorded.