How to Have No Face in Roblox?

Roblox players have access to a wide variety of design aesthetics that allow them to give their avatars distinctive clothes and a distinct personality. One of the design aesthetics that is particularly well-liked is that of a faceless or headless avatar. The practice of going faceless on Roblox has been easier over time as the aesthetic has become more commonplace on the site; nonetheless, there are still a few tricks that need to be used in order to become entirely headless. In this brief tutorial, we will not only walk you through the procedures necessary to become headless, but we will also showcase some of our favourite faceless designs.
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Faceless designs
Roblox’s developers noticed that more users wanted to utilize the platform without revealing their identities, so they decided to take matters into their own hands and construct a few masks and heads that Robloxian can wear to fulfil their facelessness desires. The following are a few of the most common and widely used methods for hiding your identity with the assistance of the avatar shop.
All of the Joy Blush Skin Tone Masks, Disappearing Faces, and Skin Color Heads with Horns are available in a wide range of skin tones, making them suitable for use with the vast majority of Roblox avatars. The Faceless Void Head and Faceless White Head are for those who want to keep to the black and white skin tones that are the most fundamental.
Going Headless
In order to play Roblox with absolutely no head at all, you will need a personal computer and a few significant steps. Unfortuitously, players who use Xbox or mobile will not be able to completely decapitate their avatar without the assistance of a personal computer or laptop of some kind in addition to their primary playing device.
You may find a list of these actions for your mobile device, as well as your PC and Mac, below. It is important to keep in mind that the methods for Mac and PC will only remove your head for you; other people who play with you will still be able to view your Robloxian head.
PC Steps
- You should remove any heads that your avatar is now sporting by going into the shop for avatars.
- Find the Windows button in the bottom left corner of your screen, and then type ‘Roblox Player’ into the search box that is directly to the right of it.
- Use your mouse’s context menu to pick Open File Location.
- This will take you to the location of the file in the file explorer on your computer.
- Repeatedly right-clicking on the Roblox Player and selecting Open File Location from the context menu
- Click twice on the content, then click twice on the avatar.
- Once you are inside the avatar folder, navigate to the subfolder that is titled heads.
- To move this subfolder to the Downloads folder on the left side of the file explorer menu, click and hold down the mouse button while dragging it.
- Launch Roblox and go into any of the games of your choosing.
- You need to get in there without your head!
Mac Steps
- Turn on your Apple computer and launch the Finder application.
- To access the Applications menu, click the double-click button on the left side of the Finder.
- Navigate through the programmes on your device until you reach Roblox.
- Select Show Package Contents from the context menu when you right-click on Roblox.
- Simply double click the Contents tab.
- Just one more click Resources
- Double click content
- Transfer the heads folder to the content folder you were just working in.
- The first thing you should notice when you load up a game in the R6 style is that your head is missing!
Mobile Steps
- Open your Roblox app
- Click on your Robloxian’s icon in the bottom menu
- Click Shop
- Search for City Life Woman in the shop’s search bar by clicking the magnifying glass in the top right corner
- Purchase this free bundle
- Go back to the Shop
- Search Orange Beanie with Black Hair
- If you don’t have this free item already, purchase it
- Go to the Customize section of the avatar menu
- Find and wear the City Life Woman head from the bundle
- Find and wear the Orange Beanie with Black Hair
- Open chrome or safari from your PC or mobile device and access
- If using a mobile device, bypass the Continue in App prompt by pressing Continue in Browser
- Login into your Roblox account if you’re not already
- If using a mobile device, click the three dots in the upper right hand corner and select Desktop Site to enable it
- Locate the Avatar option from the menu on the left and click it
- From the avatar customization menu select Body and then Skin Tone
- From the skin tone menu select Advanced
- Now select Head from the options on the left of the pop-up window and then select the shade Black
- Once you’ve completed these steps head back to the Roblox app and open the avatar customization menu
- For the best results, select Body, and then scroll down until you see the option to use Body Type R6
- Either body type should create the illusion that you are headless, however the R6 version appears to look better
- Your avatar should now appear headless!
- You can also try adding different black hairstyles to your avatar for your own unique results
Headless Head Option
The Headless Horseman outfit can be purchased for 31,000 Robux, making it the fourth and most costly way to go headless in Roblox. It is also the most effective method. This costume includes the Headless Head accessory, which gives any Robloxian the ability to totally detach their head from their body.