How to Turn On Quick Chat in Among Us

As of the most recent patch for the game, the “fast chat” function can now be accessed on both the Android and the PC platforms. However, if you are having trouble enabling the quick chat feature that we have among ourselves, then you should follow the instructions that are included in this post. Activating quick chat among all of us is a piece of cake if you follow the steps that are detailed in the blog post that can be found at the bottom of this page.
Read Also: How to Install and Play The 100 Player Mod in Among Us
How to Turn On Quick Chat in Among Us
To enable real-time communication between all of us, please follow the step-by-step instructions below. You may even view the video tutorial that is located above.
1: Update Among Us
You need to begin by giving the among us game an update. The following are links to the most recent updates for both the PC and the Android:
2: Open Among Us
The game is now open among us. As soon as you open the file, you will without a doubt notice an opportunity to fill in your date of birth. Note that if you enter a date of birth that is less than 13 years old, you will only be able to access the short chat feature. You will not be able to utilise standard or free chat, so make sure to exercise caution and provide a date of birth that is at least 13 years old.
3: Go to ‘Chat Type’
After you have done so, click Online, then Find game, and there ought to be a toggle button available for you to utilise in that section. One is a free-flowing discussion, while the other is constrained to a brief exchange of information. You only need to select the option to have a quick chat, and you will then be done.
Why can’t I chat in Among Us?
Users who are playing Among Us in Guest Mode are unable to participate in the game’s conversation since they cannot type. Instead, they will be required to speak with one another through the brand new Quickchat wheel, which comes equipped with a comprehensive library of pre-written responses, questions, and more.
Why does Among Us only let me Quick Chat?
If necessary, you can adjust your age in Among Us on your personal computer.
If you are older than 13 years old but didn’t provide your right age, you could not have the option to switch between the two different chat rooms even though you are older than 13 years old. And because Among Us does not permit you to change your age after it has been established, the “Quick conversation only” option will be the only one available to you.
Why can’t I turn on free chat in Among Us?
You are Participating in the Game as a Guest
When you launch the game, Among Us will sometimes give you an error message about signing in. In this particular scenario, you will not be able to continue playing without switching to a guest account. Because utilising a guest account disables certain game features, the only communication option available to you will be Quick Chat.
Why did Among Us remove free chat?
When it implemented the Quick Chat feature, Among Us disabled the opportunity for free chat for users under the age of 13. Because of this update, players who have set their age to a value that is less than 18 years old are unable to participate in conversation. In order to fix the issue and gain access to Free Chat, you will need to update your age to a number that is at least 18 years old.