Minecraft 1.19 snapshot 22w15a for Java Edition

Wednesday is intended to be a day of reflection for Minecraft players everywhere. If the major update is delayed, Mojang will attempt to release a new snapshot of the impending major update on Wednesdays and Thursdays every week if possible. This week’s snapshot was delivered on schedule and included a scary addition to the mix of features.
Many gamers will have nightmares about the warden and the deep, dark caverns that will be included in The Wild Update. Some determined gamers, on the other hand, were prepared to use techniques to fight the beast. Developers were aware of the clamour around the assassination of the warden using cunning methods and plans.
Here is the Wardens new Sonic attack while I had full netherite armor on💀
Hadoken would be proud
— Scott (ECKOSOLDIER)⛏️ (@eckoxsoldier) April 13, 2022
Mojang has added a new ability to the warden in Minecraft 1.19 snapshot 22w15a that allows him to deal with adversaries who are attacking from a safe distance. With little further ado, please find below the patch notes for the most recent snapshot.
Minecraft 1.19 snapshot 22w15a patch notes
New features added in Minecraft snapshot 22w15a
In order to get each frog type on a lead, a new advancement called “When the Squad Hops into Town” has been added. In order to sneak close sculk sensors or the warden to prevent it from hearing the player, a new advancement called “Sneak 100” has been added. The warden now has a new ranged attack available to him.
Warden’s ranged attack
Just when you thought the warden couldn’t get more scarier, Mojang offered it a new offensive skill to add to its arsenal. For the most part, the warden has relied on melee assaults, but it has just learned that it can also utilize a ranged strike to drag adversaries from a ledge or pillar.
You can run but you can’t hide…
In this Snapshot, for Minecraft: Java Edition, we’ve included the warden’s sonic ranged attack, which can easily penetrate that wall you’re hiding behind! Read the full list of features now:
🔗— Minecraft (@Minecraft) April 13, 2022
When the warden detects an adversary that is out of reach, it turns to ranged mode and strikes the attacker with water to neutralize it. The Warden’s ranged strike is a sonic wave beam that does damage to foes in its line of sight. Because the warden is a blind mob, gamers are already anticipating that he will have some type of ranged assault.