Pokecord Commands List and Guide – Discord Pokemon Game

Our Pokecord Commands List and Guide runs you through the entirety of the orders accessible for this mainstream Discord bot! We have the entirety of the standard orders, in addition to some further developed ones for when you get into exchanging and the market!
In this article, we will give every one of the Pokecord Commands Guide which you can go through the entirety of the orders accessible for the mainstream disagreement bot and furthermore we have given some high level orders which will help you when you get into the exchanging and the market. Furthermore, prior to moving to the orders we should see a little introduction about the Pokecord Commands List and Guide.
Pokecord is an intelligent and broad friction that will help you gather, fight, and exchange Pokemon. It has been broadly utilized by Pokemon lovers. Subsequent to getting your pokecord you will actually want to gather Pokemon. Gather Pokemon as well as have the option to fight and exchange. They will begin to show as you talk. With Pokecord you will recognize the pokemon in your messages as you will get advised of it. The lone thing you need to do to guarantee it, you need to figure the name of the Best Electric Pokemon.
Pokecord was without a doubt quite possibly the most mainstream Discord bots that let players gather, fight and exchange Pokemon. It has been nearly 12 months since Pokecord Commands List and Guide shut down however its notoriety doesn’t appear to blur. The information on Pokecord getting closed down had left huge number of Discord clients amazingly baffled.
What is Pokecord?
Pokecord is a very nitty gritty Discord Bot that permits you to gather, fight, and exchange Pokemon! Rather than tossing Poke Balls, a bot will arbitrarily generate a Pokemon in an assigned direct in a taking part Discord. The picture of the Pokemon is shown, however the name isn’t. You must react with the name as fast as could be expected. Whoever gets it first, gets the Pokemon!
As we have referenced above Pokecord Commands List and Guide was only a Discord bot, which used to permit players to battle, gather and Pokemon. Rather than tossing Poke Balls, a bot will at some point generate a Pokemon in a specific divert in a partaking Discord. Strikingly, you will be shown the photos of Pokemon yet not name. Subsequent to seeing the image, you should name the Pokemon as quickly as time permits. Outstandingly, the individuals who complete it rapidly will get Pokemon.
How to get started with Pokecord?
To get, fight, exchange Pokemon, Pokecord Commands List and Guide is required. It makes it simple to spot Pokemon and gather them. Whenever you have introduced it, Pokemon will begin showing up in your messages also. You must conjecture its name, on the off chance that you need to guarantee it.
Your worker has the “p!” naturally and each order begins with it. Prior to beginning the journey of Pokemon, you can snatch your Pokemon Number for a specific pokemon with the p!pokemon – name ” order. With this, you will get the quantity of your Pokemon.
Commands required to start the game
Whenever you have started the game, you should gain proficiency with the significant Pokecord Commands List and Guide orders since they help you gather, fight, and exchange pokemon.
The “p!detailed” for checking the vital element Pokemon’s IVs and the “p!order” two fundamental orders that work after the game is begun. The last order is for requesting your Complete List of Cats in Pokemon in sequential or iv way.
Starter Commands
After you’ve done getting your pokemon, you’ll need to empower a portion of the significant orders since they are fundamental. These are as per the following:
This order will show data about your Pokecord Commands List and Guide. Reset Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon are vital to check as they decide whether you p! Pokemon and How helpful in the event that you need to battle utilizing p!info.
p!order <Option>
This order grants you to arrange your Pokemon in sequential or IV style.
Pokemon Commands
p!catch <Pokemon Name>
You can utilize this order and the right name to catch it, while a wild Pokecord Commands List and Guide.
The presently brought forth Pokemon will show a clue.
p!select <Pokemon Number>
This order picks that Pokemon will get XP from visiting and which will battle.
p!select most recent
This order picks your Pokemon that you have caught or delivered as of late.
This order shows your chose Pokemon data.
p!info most recent
This order shows the most recent Pokemon data that you have caught.
p!info <Pokemon Name>
This order shows Pokemon with its essential measurements.
p!info gleaming <Pokemon Name>
This order shows the reflexive form of Pokemon with its fundamental details.
p!info <Pokemon Number>
This order shows Pokemon data that related with this number.
This order shows your Pokemon list. It moreover shows data, incorporates level, number, IVs, and moniker.
p!pokemon – name <Pokemon Name>
This order shows Pokecord Commands List and Guide your particular name.
p!pokemon – sparkling
This order shows your gleaming Pokemon.
This order shows your Pokedex with a tally of the number of proprietors you have.
p!pokedex – unowned
This order shows just those Pokemon that you should gather.
p!nickname <nickname>
This order gives an epithet to the Pokemon that you have chosen.
This order drops the thing that your present Pokemon has..
This order changes Pokemon over to Mega X or Y. You must have purchase super advancement, every one of which will cost 1,000 credits.
p!release <Pokemon Number>
You can deliver a Pokecord Commands List and Guide by the assistance of this order. In the event that you just do p!release, so it will attempt to deliver your chose Pokemon, anyway luckily you get an affirmation signal before at that point.
Pokecord Challenge Commands
Difficulties are another expansion to the game. You are granted a credit on the off chance that you complete every one of the difficulties.
This order shows a rundown of accessible difficulties. It assists you with acquiring credit.
Favorite List Commands
This order shows you your number one Pokemon list.
p!add fav <Pokemon Number>
This order assists you with adding Pokemon to your top picks list.
- p!remove fav <Pokemon Number>
This order assists you with eliminating Pokemon from your top picks list.
Dueling Commands
This is an intriguing part with regards to case you need to battle with your adversaries. Get XP and focuses subsequent to crushing them.
p!select <Pokemon Number>
This Pokemon order assists you with battling your companions
This order shows a bunch of activities he can play out that he can learn.
p!learn <Move>
This order assists you with picking another progression you need to learn.
p!replace <Number>
This order assists you to supplant the chose venture with what you need to realize.
p!duel <@Username>
This order assists you with testing a dissension client.
By this order you can acknowledge demands.
p!use <Move Number>
By utilizing the order you can move to execute your Pokemon.
Market Commands
The market grants you to purchase and sell Pokemon. You purchase Pokemon by credit; they can bring in cash by dueling or selling your caught Pokemon.
This order shows you the measure of credit.
p!market search <Page number>
This order shows the ideal page of the market.
p!market search <Page number> <Search Options> <Order Option>
This order assists you with looking through the market.
p!market see <Pokemon ID>
This order shows the Pokemon data that is on the lookout.
p!market information <Pokemon ID>
This order is choice to see.
p!market list <Pokemon Number> <Price>
This order shows a Pokémon list available.
p!market purchase <Pokemon ID>
By utilizing this order you can buy Pokemon from the market. You should affirm your purchase with p!confirm kid or drop it with p!cancel.