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WoW | A New Player’s Guide


Discover the ins and outs of Azeroth!

Newcomers to World of Warcraft are oftentimes left in awe. After all, the vast expanse of Azeroth can be quite a sight to behold. But more than that, the rich lore that has come to characterize the game is so deep that one can even feel overwhelmed. If you happen to be among those who have only recently joined the fold, congratulations and welcome. You’ve got a whole new world to discover and a slew of adventures to embark upon. And don’t worry. Though things may seem a tad bit too much at times, you’ll soon get up to speed. Just keep playing and gathering precious WoW gold as well as rare WoW items and you’ll do fine.

To help you start things off on the right foot, here are a few essential tips to guide you!

Go at Your Own Pace

Yes, World of Warcraft has been around for so long that it has undergone so many tweaks and changes. Naturally, there will be a lot of ground to cover in terms of lore. Now this would oftentimes cause new players to go into panic mode and try to zoom past the content. Don’t do that! Just play it. The good ol’ folks from Blizzard designed World of Warcraft in such a way that you get to progress little by little and acquire the necessary skills you’ll need for your next steps. If at any point you feel overwhelmed, perhaps a little break from the game is in order. Just remember that the point of all games is to have fun!

Don’t Be a Loner

World of Warcraft was one of the pioneers of the MMORPG genre. Practically millions of players have come and gone. And throughout the years, one thing has remained constant: it is a gaming experience that’s meant to be shared. Don’t get us wrong. Of course you can play solo, but the fact is you won’t be maximizing the game for what it can offer. Moreover, if you happen to be a complete beginner, you’ll find it a lot harder to get a grasp on things. If, for instance, you join up with friends who have more experience under their belt, the learning curve will practically disappear. Besides, you can only learn so much from reading guides—nothing compares to learning on the fly.

Make Use of Addons

There once was a time when addons were frowned upon by Blizzard. Lucky for you, those days are gone. Addons, simply put, make life easier. You can customize your user interface with them so you can focus on the important things—like hunting for cheap WoW gold and such! Again, as there’s a plethora of addons to choose from, it can also be a daunting prospect. The key here is to add those nifty addons little by little. They’re there to make the game much easier—not to further complicate it.

Master the Lore

As previously stated, World of Warcraft’s lore is rich and expansive. But don’t look at it from an academic point of view where you force yourself to study it. Think of it more like a fascinating history of things that came before that have come to shape the game for what it is today. There are plenty of references you can fall back on on Youtube as well as several lore primers from various sources. Make good use of them. Whenever you take a break from the game, take advantage of the spare time to brush up on your lore mastery. Trust us on this, you’ll come to appreciate the game more and you’ll become a much better player for it!

Starting one’s journey through the wonderful world of Azeroth may be come as a shock to the system of the unprepared. But with these handy tips, you’ll surely find your footing in no time at all. Make sure to play at your own pace, connect with other players, utilize the addons, and learn the game’s lore. And make sure to buy WoW gold whenever the need arises. You can never have too much of the game’s currency. With that, good luck on your journey, adventurer!

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