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Dream’s final Minecraft Manhunt ends with perfect homage to how the series began


Last night, Dream presented the final episode of his popular Minecraft Manhunt series on YouTube and stream. One of the Manhunts had 108 million views as of Dec. 16, 2019, making it Dream’s most popular piece of content. To keep Dream from completing the game, some of his buddies join forces with him in the Minecraft Manhunt series.

Dream was first chased in a variety of methods, including by series co-creator GeorgeNotFound in the form of several modifications. For this series to be fully successful, Sapnap had to join and Dream was sought by the duo. Despite this, these films were the original inspiration.

Hunter BadBoyHalo, Hunter Antfrost, Hunter Awesamdude, and Hunter GeorgeNotFound were introduced after Dream’s triumph over GeorgeNotFound and Sapnap. Over the course of the last two years, the number of films in the series grew exponentially, and the leader in triumphs fluctuated between Dream and the hunters.

A wonderful nod to the beginning of Minecraft Manhunt was made in the show’s finale, which aired tonight.

Near the end of the first video in the series, “Minecraft Speedrunner VS 2 Hunters,” GeorgeNotFound and Sapnap hit Dream over the brink of The End. Dream is caught in the water that is rushing over the brink, but the source block is now completely surrounded by hunters, making it impossible for him to escape. Despite the fact that Dream had not yet been declared dead, GeorgeNotFound murders Sapnap with a single blow to the head. He uses a pearl to save himself, and because of GeorgeNotFound’s blunder, he ends up winning the Manhunt.

At the end of today’s last Manhunt, Dream and GeorgeNotFound faced up against four other hunters in The End. As in “Minecraft Speedrunner VS 2 Hunters,” Dream was knocked down by GeorgeNotFound and plunged into an ever-dwindling water supply. The End island is where GeorgeNotFound met his demise as he fell to the ground there. In his inventory, Dream saw he had nothing, and the search appeared lost to him. However, he utilized a fishing line to reach the location where GeorgeNotFound died and snatch his ender pearls, therefore saving his life.

Because all the hunters were killed and their belongings were gone, Dream’s final victory comes from this tribute to the original Manhunt. The ending has a few moments that bring to mind the finest moments of the Minecraft Manhunt series.

Even though Minecraft Manhunt has come to an end, Dream hints that it may return at some point in the future if enough people demand it. He also mentions that the cast may perform six more hunts if enough people demand it. At two million views on the final film, he and the rest of the Manhunt crew will undertake a Minecraft Manhunt in real life.

Fans may be disappointed that the series has come to an end, but Dream has promised that more new material and a shift in the type of content that appears on his channel will be forthcoming in the near future. Until GeorgeNotFound moves to the United States and the Dream Team rendezvous can finally take place, Dream plans to disclose his face and produce IRL material. Fans may look forward to an exciting new beginning as the Manhunt period comes to an end.
