Dave the Diver features a diverse array of foes, but the great white shark Klaus is among the most challenging. He has monstrous proportions, absurdly high...
Remnant 2’s Song of Eafir is an upgrade for many weapons. Since it is not designed for a specific weapon, you can put any weapon that...
Minecraft is a game that provides players with an almost unlimited number of choices and varieties in the way they can play the game. Because there...
Only a handful of titles, including Super Smash Bros., used the levels in the actual gameplay, rather than just as eye candy. The user still couldn’t...
Chapter 6 focuses on Isaac and Dr. Elizabeth Cross’ efforts to contain the hazardous air around the USG Ishimura. Isaac would inject Wheezer necromorphs with a...
You can never have too many weapons when fighting the Taken in Alan Wake 2, and Saga’s hunting rifle is easy to overlook as you look...
The thirteenth mission in Starfield’s main plot is titled “In Their Footsteps.” You’ll finally meet The Hunter in person and get some answers to the big...
Mortal Kombat 1 introduces a number of new features, including the Kameo combatants. Their primary use is to offer variety to basic moves like throws and...
In the shadowy realms of Mortal Kombat 1, Baraka emerges from the darkness not as the typical antagonist, but as an unlikely ally in the fight...
When making a vast space RPG, Bethesda doesn’t skimp on the ship customization options. Early on in Starfield, you have access to the equipment necessary to...