Underwater adventure and restaurant management sims create Dave the Diver, a great game. Dave the Diver works hard researching the Blue Hole in the sea and...
In the vast, enigmatic world of The Talos Principle 2, where daunting puzzles abound, few present as formidable a challenge as “Passing Through.” As you embark...
Discover, capture, and destroy a wide variety of aquatic animals in Dave the Diver. On the other hand, not all fish are the same in terms...
In Baldur’s Gate 3, romance is always welcome. Love is always possible with a vast cast of characters, hundreds of hours of games, and many crackling...
Apex Legends has rapidly ascended in the ranks of battle royale games, captivating players worldwide with its intense, strategic gameplay. What sets it apart is its...
There are a ton of amazing characters in Mortal Kombat 1 for anyone who wants to play it. It’s hardly surprise that fans enjoy playing as...
With the release of Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, fans all over the world may live out their own personal lightsaber fantasy. Playing as Cal Kestis is,...
Even minor jobs picked up on side streets in Cyberpunk 2077 have a captivating and thought-provoking plot. When they concentrate, a development team may create great...
Lost Puzzles are optionally difficult side quests in The Talos Principle 2 that can significantly increase the game’s difficulty. They’re like optional extra exams you can...
You will need a key from the last cult stash in order to access the inside of the Watery lighthouse and loot some goods there. The...