How to Delete or Pause Watch History on Youtube

When you login in to your account on YouTube via the YouTube browser extension or the YouTube app, the methods to reset your watch history or stop history are very identical.
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How to Delete or Pause Watch History on Youtube
1. Go to the website in the browser that you are using.
2. To do this, click the icon in the upper-left corner of your screen that resembles three horizontal lines.
3. Please take a look at the History page.
4. To delete your whole viewing history, you need to click the button labelled Clear All Watch History. Here, there will be a place for others to enter the conversation.
5. Following that, choose the option to Clear Watch History from the menu.
6. Simply pick the option to Pause Watch History, which can be found directly below the option to Clear All Watch History in the list of available options. Here, there will be a place for others to enter the conversation.
7. Make sure that you press the button labelled “Pause.”
Can anyone see your YouTube watch history?
Your history of videos viewed on YouTube is kept in private and cannot be accessed by any other user. You always have the option to log out of your YouTube account before watching a video if you don’t want it added to the history of videos you’ve seen.
Can YouTube history be tracked?
YouTube may still keep a record of the videos you watch even if you are not signed in to a Google Account on the computer or device you are using. You have the option to “pause” your Watch History if you do not want YouTube to preserve a record of the videos you have watched in the past.
Can my parents see my YouTube history?
Are children able to hide their past on YouTube? Yes. Parents who have access to their children’s Google accounts can look through their children’s watch and search histories, as well as their likes, comments, and subscriptions.
Can deleted YouTube history be recovered?
After you have finished deleting the history on YouTube, it will no longer be displayed on the YouTube app or on your YouTube account. If you erase the history on YouTube, it will not be possible to recover it. On the other hand, it will keep appearing on the Google Activity page for the foreseeable future.
Who can see my YouTube activity?
You may make your profile more private by selecting “Private” or “Unlisted” from the “Privacy Settings” drop-down menu after clicking the “Edit” button. When you set a video to private on YouTube and your account is linked to Google Plus, a field appears on the screen where you may input the email addresses or profile names of people with whom you want to share the film. This area only appears if you have turned your video to private.
Can the WIFI owner see what I search on YouTube?
When you are connected to the Wi-Fi network that the owner of the Wi-Fi network owns, the owner can see every website that you visit on your device. In addition, if the administrator makes use of any third-party monitoring and tracking tool, you will be able to obtain more information about your browsing history. This information may include a recording of the text that you type on websites and apps while connected to your Wi-Fi network.