Samsung’s mobile TV app, TV Plus, now features a vertical video interface similar to that of TikTok

Samsung has just made an announcement in the United Kingdom stating that its mobile TV Plus app will soon feature a new vertical video experience. As a result of a recently implemented function, users of TV Plus will soon be able to navigate among the short videos of their chosen content in a manner that is analogous to that of TikTok. The company has worked to enhance the user experience for anyone accessing the site via mobile devices.
According to Samsung, the number of people using the mobile TV Plus app, which is free to download and use, has “more than doubled within the last year.” “watch exclusive content in a way that is more mobile-friendly on the go,” as stated by Gus Grimaldi, Head of Product at Samsung Europe, the recently released update that focuses on vertical video experiences enables users of Galaxy devices to “watch exclusive content in a way that is more mobile-friendly on-the-go.”
Between the months of May and June, you should expect to receive the most recent update to the vertical video content. It is possible that initially it will only be made available to customers in the United Kingdom, but Samsung may choose to expand its availability to further nations in Europe, including those who currently have access to the TV Plus mobile app via Google Play or the Samsung Galaxy Store. It is also possible that initially it will only be made available to customers in the United Kingdom. Time will determine the outcome of everything.
More than one hundred channels can be accessed instantly using the TV Plus mobile app, all of which are offered at no additional cost. Users are able to see this content without having to make any payments, sign up for a membership, or even subscribe in the first place. Users can view this content without having to subscribe at all. In addition to this completely brand new option for displaying vertical video content, Samsung is also introducing more original content to the platform. Along with the most recent season of American Idol (starting on May 25), the application will begin streaming an all-new season of America’s Got Talent in June, and it will also begin streaming other famous television shows.