Alan Wake 2 has achieved the unimaginable by consistently meeting and beyond expectations. Players in the most recent Alan Wake game can alternate between Alan and...
One of the most renowned series in real-time strategy makes a comeback with Homeworld 3. In 1999, Homeworld became the first to realize role-playing games fully...
The Persona 3 Portable plot opens with the introduction of Shinjiro. He is a former SEES member who departed and wouldn’t return until much later in...
You will eventually need to go via the basement in Alan Wake 2 to get the power back on as you explore the Valhalla Nursing Home....
Persona 3 Portable elevates the surprisingly tough boss fights found in Atlus games, which don’t mind requiring nearly impossible methods to defeat. Players must defeat the...
Taken has Saga Anderson very much on her plate. She finally needs a toolbox code to enter the basement after someone turns off the power to...
Even though Atomic Heart appears easy at first, the difficulty level increases when you eventually leave the Vavilov Complex and reach the game’s open world. In...
A major aspect of the fantasy in Starfield is collecting and allocating crew members to your spacecraft and, eventually, your outposts. The game is about exploring...
The first game in the series to include social stats that you may raise in your spare time was Persona 3. There are just three social...
There are seven different pathways and combat styles for the characters in Honkai: Star Rail. Each path determines a character’s duty, and an enemy’s Toughness bar...