Night City, a dystopia with neon lights, colorful walls, and a high crime rate, is the setting for Cyberpunk 2077. As V, a mercenary who lives...
Blasphemous 2 has many unique mechanisms and challenges that will leave players wondering how to conquer them. They frequently seem to protect important secrets along the...
Company of Heroes 3 is here and, with its predecessor having launched almost a decade ago, there might be many players who are stepping into this...
Remnant 2 features dozens of bosses, and it is physically impossible to see them all in a single running of the campaign due to the game’s...
Healing units in Age of Wonders 4 might be a challenge due to the game’s complexity. Players’ units will be engaged in almost continual conflict during...
As you go through Blasphemous 2, the obstacles you face will become increasingly difficult. Damage taken from adversaries is a major obstacle to overcome. Maximizing your...
Tchian diving challenges involve leaping from a platform into the water below while doing a series of stunts. The number and difficulty of your tricks and...
Remnant 2 is not your ordinary role-playing game. In order to succeed in this fantastic environment and press forth, players must take several things into mind,...
In the fourth chapter of Tchia, players will head out in search of different offerings that are to be taken back to Ga Ngazo. While most...
Having the ability to heal from any of Remnant 2’s many status effects is crucial for continuing the fight, especially when facing off against a particularly...