Niantic again comes with a new surprise for the fans of Pokemon Go! The game recently has introduced on their official Twitter for the new Legendary...
Another great news comes from Super Smash Bros. Ultimate! The game has made a massive milestone on top of record sales, and currently on the top...
Treyarch has released the latest patch notes for Black Ops 4 update version 1.10, which brings custom games options to the Blackout multiplayer mode. The developer...
One disappointing news for the fans of this game, Epic has announced that Save The World mode on Fortnite has been disabled due to the developer...
Just Cause 4 update version 1.02 has released for PS4 and Xbox One with the improvements to resolution and also fixes some motion blur issues. A...
Android smartwatches may have arrived at the market before Apple but they have been playing catch up to it ever since the first Apple Watch was...
Marvel recently has announced for bringing Spider-Man, the game from PS4 into its comic book adaptation new series on March next year. Marvel also has explained...
A new application for PUBG players named with ‘PUBG Lookup’ has been created by the developer Tencent Games. This brand new app will provide the extensive...
Obsidian Entertainment has confirmed that the RPG Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire will come to console in 2019. Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire was first released...
The latest update 7.10 for Fortnite has been released by Epic Games which said to bring some new items and features to the battle royale and...